Another Market Peak Or Room to Run?


Atlantic Trust's Third Quarter Newsletter  

  • Think Tank: Housing Tips into an Economic Driver - Finally.  The state of housing and its role in our still-slow economic progress
  • Another Market Peak or Room to Run? The U.S. economy is improving, yet still mediocre. But this year certainly proves a point: The economy doesn’t have to boom to produce good results for investors. Here’s some perspective mid-point 2013—and what to watch for ahead
  • Retirement: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.  Moving from asset accumulation to asset distribution in retirement is not as simple as flipping a switch. Considering your options for how to take your retirement assets and being mindful of your estate plan may have you asking, “Now what?”
  • Takeaway: Atlantic Trust's Wealth Strategies Group on President Obama's 2014 Proposal.  Take steps now to leverage wealth planning strategies for the rest of 2013—before these may go into effect

Advisor Thinking