As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes a larger part of the national conversation, employers will need to assess and/or develop a vaccination policy and plan. Employer-driven vaccination programs require a thorough understanding of employment law, compliance, employee well-being and education. This e-book covers employment law considerations and explains the specific limitations that pertain to requiring employees to be vaccinated.
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The data shows that water damage from ruptured pipes is significantly more extensive and disruptive when caused by freezing temperatures. Take precautions when the temperature drops. Learn what you can do to prevent frozen pipes and better protect your property.
Continuing a trend of the past five years, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) grew in assets under management in 2020. However, the fact remains that the ETF continues to be a one-size-fits-all solution that isn’t optimal for everyone. The flexibility of a custom passive separately managed account (SMA) can beat an ETF in terms of tax efficiency in many cases. Three advantages of the SMA illustrate the benefits.
Migrating trusts from state to state can be challenging. Use this decision tree as a resource when transferring trust situs from one state to another or when modifying a trust agreement following migration to a new state.
The ownership and governance structure of a private family trust company (“PFTC”) is highly customizable. This is important because all families are different, with different goals, family dynamics, asset composition, family sizes, and family affiliates. With that in mind, there are some key considerations in structuring the entity ownership and governance of a PFTC, both tax-related and not tax-related.
Don’t be blinded by the sun reflecting off the dancing blue water; there’s more to consider when purchasing a vacation home than where you like to vacation. Protect your investment with some sunscreen in the form of a little knowledge—to help keep you from getting burned.