Taking retirement account distributions prior to age 59-1/2 is often seen as an off-limits option for many account owners. However, using the IRC §72(t) payment exception can be a helpful tool in managing cash flow in early retirement years.
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David P. Harris, Chief Investment Officer, discusses how shifts in demographic landscapes can impact investments, with a specific consideration of aging populations in global markets.
The swishing of the President’s pen on paper to sign protectionist measures into law or executive orders could unwittingly cause a financial storm. So far, investors seemed to have shrugged off the risk of protectionism. Markets also do not seem to expect the proposed border adjusted tax to get enough support in the Senate. However, policy uncertainties over trade, tax code, Obamacare replacement, and even immigration issues could start to weigh on business sentiment and decision making.
With President Trump often communicating policy via Twitter, investors are once again finding messaging can be costly—one mere tweet from Trump blasting the pricing of an F-35 fighter jet caused Lockheed Martin to shed $2 billion of market value within minutes. Since the likely market outcome usually lies somewhere in between extreme bullish and bearish views, this edition of Global Foresight focuses on the prospects of President Trump’s legislative agenda and market valuations, as well as highlights some of the important developments outside of the U.S.
In the healthcare industry, a multitude of factors have driven a transition from a fee-for-service model toward a fee-for-value approach, which emphasizes the quality and outcome of care delivered. This emerging trend could present interesting investment opportunities that is also in alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal of good health and well-being. Beyond the steady rise in healthcare costs and increasing burden placed on consumers, three factors are believed to have advanced the adoption of a fee-for-value model.