One tradition that some FOX members take quite seriously is that of documenting their family’s, company’s and even family office’s history. To assist other FOX members who haven’t yet decided upon the best means of accomplishing this challenge, we talked with two family group, the Richardson Family and the Laird Norton Family, who have done an extraordinary job of preserving their history for future generations.
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The SO is a little known vehicle that can be used by families to give back to their communities during their lifetimes, especially if they want to use stock in their family businesses to fund the gifts. The SO is described in IRC Section 509(a)(3).
The death of a matriarch. The sale of a family business. Big events can throw a financial family into flux. Tough transitions can be managed smoothly, however. Three industry experts gave practical advice on transitions to an audience of about 300 family members and office executives at the FOX Fall Forum, held in October at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago.
Family giving can be wonderfully gratifying as well as a bit messy. That goes double when several generations with different agendas run the family foundation. At the FOX Fall Forum, family members and foundation executives engaged in a lively discussion on how to effectively address questions related to family philanthropy.
The day-to-day operations of a family foundation are naturally consumed by details such as grant reviews, donation formulas and site analyses. Though important work, family foundations focus less attention on the basic questions: Why give? What difference does it make?
FOX interview with Mort about the Sachs family office.
Family governance is an evolutionary process. As a family grows and members of the family age, they follow a series of stages with each stage being very different. This process can create difficult transitions, especially since typically two or more generations are active in membership at the same time. It is very helpful to have an awareness of the various stages and challenges each will bring.
Heritage Finance & Trust Company, Geneva, Switzerland, was founded in 1986 in Switzerland as a single family office providing financial advisory and portfolio management services. Over time, Heritage has evolved into a multifamily, multi-client office as it has seen demand for its services increase from an extended circle of family members and their related connections.
According to early results of the 1999 Family Office Exchange Compensation and Benefits Practices survey, a tight labor market in which the most talented professionals are not changing jobs or are being recruited quickly is boosting salaries and increasing benefits. Family offices still have the edge but face increased competition from international banks, investment firms and private trust companies offering deeper and improved benefit packages.
With the world changing so quickly, the role of the family as a bulwark of stability and support becomes increasingly important. In response to this growing educational need, Family Office Exchange in 1998 formed the FOX Foundation. Operating as the Family Learning Center, the Foundation will serve as a resource to facilitate all aspects of "family learning."