It will take time to get the world economy back on track and the process will be difficult, Barclays Wealth says in its annual outlook. Researchers for Barclays summarize their current macroeconomic views and the implications for asset classes and investment in 2009. They also present their asset allocation recommendations and more specific investment themes, both for the short and medium terms.
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Too often, family disputes over power and money are settled publicly in the courts, creating rifts among family members that may linger for decades. This article from Withers Bergman emphasizes the importance of transparency among family members and recommends non-legal solutions, such as the formation of a family council, regular family meetings, dissemination of information among family members and education programs for the young.
Entrepreneurs have become increasingly important players in the global economy and have amassed fortunes in doing so. While a worldwide financial crisis would seem to work against them, some entrepreneurs see today's challenging economic environment as the land of opportunity. This report from Barclays Wealth explores what makes entrepreneurs successful in good times and bad.
Trustees often are required to invest the assets of a trust or estate. In doing so, they may delegate power to an investment advisor or securities broker. If the advisor's or broker's investments result in losses, the trustees need to find and pursue any viable claim to recover the losses. Stein, Stein & Pinsky offers suggestion to help with this task, including details of the five main causes that form the basis for fraud and negligence claims against brokers.
Having conducted a survey of Vanguard IRA and 401(k) investors, the authors show that investors who score highly on tests of "emotional intelligence" (EI) tend to exhibit behaviors (e.g., the use of low-cost fund options, a decision not to trade too frequently) that correlate strongly with good investment performance.
Traditional forms of insurance often provide no protection to a non-profit organization in the event of a lawsuit by an employee, a member of the organization or a contractor. Directors and officers liability insurance can offer extended coverage, protecting the organization whenever it is called upon to defend itself or its personnel.
A limited liability company may seem like the best way to structure private aircraft ownership, organizing finances while shielding other assets from liability, but think again, says Gary Horowitz of Wiley Rein. Using an LLC can lead to a huge tax liability, potential fines by the Federal Aviation Administration and increased personal liability. The author offers alternative structuring that can be less costly and provide better liability coverage.
U.S. farmland continued to increase in value in the third quarter of 2008, although at a slower rate of 2 percent, compared with a 14 percent uptick in the previous quarter, according to this report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. At the same time, agricultural credit conditions improved over a year earlier. Looking forward, economists expect farmland to remain in demand by both farmers and investors, but at a lower level.
Life insurance policyholders are understandably concerned by the collapse of AIG and the ongoing crisis in the financial services industry, but insurance company analysts do not see an insolvency risk among other providers. Indeed, they express confidence in several safeguards designed to protect the interests of policyholders, says this new white paper from Nease, Lagana, Eden & Culley Inc.
What's the best approach to equities, given the current volatile market? In this research report, Barclays Wealth offers short-term and medium-term strategies related to equity markets. The report also explores equity stock screening and considers European banks and insurers.