European firms have grown into formidable carbon competitors, due to the establishment of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. That makes North American companies the new kids on the block in the global carbon market. This article from Natsource highlights market strategies employed by companies in the early stages of the EU ETS and offers insights for new entrants into the market.
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The economic turbulence over the past year has expanded the concept of risk from simple volatility to actual, and in some cases, permanent losses. While the impact on most financial vehicles is quite obvious and is presented through the news media on a daily basis, others are much more subtle. One such area is critical to the success of many wealth preservation and transfer plans: life insurance.
Based on a global survey of high-net worth individuals, including almost 300 family business owners, the eighth instalment of Barclays Wealth Insights provides fresh analysis into the state of family businesses around the world today. The report will assess the current situation and prospects of family businesses, and examine in detail their unique characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, with particular reference to today's challenging economic, financial and operating environment.
How can our relatively small gift begin to make a difference on such a huge problem? Where do we get started in learning about an issue? Which organizations are most effective in operating programs in our community? What can we do to help ensure that our philanthropic investments will lead to sustained change? These are the kinds of questions that confront donors as they seek to have an impact on complex social issues. However, funders are increasingly realizing that they do not have to figure out the answers in isolation.
There are significant changes in the taxation of non-UK domiciled individuals. This question-and-answer document from KPMG LLP provides a quick overview of these changes as well as the impact on those affected.
Recent tax court cases have shown the ongoing administration of family limited partnerships is as important as making sure the transaction was properly structured at the outset. Withers Bergman says the family office is a natural fit for ensuring such administration because of its day-to-day involvement with family members and their holdings.
An economic downturn can accentuate the drivers of fraud and misconduct within companies, according to KPMG's third national integrity survey. Researchers found that 75 percent of employees had observed or knew of wrongdoing within their organizations. Ethics and compliance programs seemed to make employees more willing to report the misconduct they observed.
Individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer can do much to influence the course of their illness and improve their quality of life. This comprehensive guide from PinnacleCare can help patients navigate the healthcare system to get the best possible treatment outcomes.
Investing in energy is not without its risks, such as the volatility of commodity prices, funding concerns and regulatory uncertainty. However, Neuberger Berman believes this sector offers promising, long-term investment opportunities due to the move to a lower carbon-energy diet and its reliance on alternative energy sources and conservation.
Six hedge fund experts, including the chief executive of a major family office in Europe, candidly discuss some of the more topical themes within the hedge fund community at a special roundtable convened by Horizon Cash Management.