Analysis shows the inflation hedging benefits of long-term investments in commodities, which have a low correlation over time with equities. Diversification with a broad basket of commodities is best to smooth out the volatilities of individual commodities, such as oil or gold.
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A moderate level of economic confidence has returned to a number of segments of the economy. If the current trajectory of confidence indicators remains intact, as we believe it will, 2011 is likely to be a reasonably constructive year for both economic growth and risky asset performance.
Researchers examine the trade, economic and financial linkages between China and the rest of the world and consider the implications of those linkages if growth in Chinese gross domestic product should slow in the future.
Suggestions for how to preserve a family legacy across generations include not letting shared assets become liabilities, recognizing that family businesses are businesses, communicating in the way that works best for family members, acknowledging family dynamics and choosing trustees carefully.
Philanthropy appears set to increase among the wealthy, according to a survey of millionaires in 20 countries. The United States, Ireland, South Africa and India lead in donations of both money and time.
Closing the gender gap at the top of corporations fosters innovation, creates a more balanced work environment and positively affects the bottom line. Yet, achieving gender balance requires new thinking, innovative approaches and courage.
Investors and consumers typically adopt a wait and see attitude toward investing and spending in the nascent days of a recovery. That timidity should be history by now, says the author, who explores the reasons behind the ongoing lack of confidence.
The authors present highlights from a series of seminars in which more than 80 trustees from charities of all kinds debated how they could make their charities more effective and shared ideas about improving trusteeship.
Globalization has increased growth opportunities not only for companies but also for those in the business of kidnapping for ransom. The key is to prepare for dangers both at home and abroad and to assess readiness for a complex resolution process if a kidnapping should occur.
This paper highlights the concentration risk embedded in traditional portfolios, describes a simple risk parity strategy and demonstrates its out-performance over nearly four decades, and then delves into the more advanced portfolio construction and risk management techniques used to implement risk parity portfolios.