Index-based global portfolios may offer a more efficient way to capture exposure to developed and emerging markets than having separate portfolios for each of the two. By consolidating these two market segments into a single integrated portfolio, investors benefit from lower portfolio turnover and reduced operating costs.
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The increase in the lifetime gifting limit, combined with the temporary nature of the current estate and gift tax law, open a window of opportunity for wealth transfer. Leveraged gifts can safeguard the benefits of this situation by compressing the value of the gift for tax purposes while amplifying the impact of the wealth transfer.
Parents who are concerned about family harmony after their deaths are wise to address the issues of estate equalization as a key element of their estate and business planning. Most of the problems that would create disharmony among their children can be handled with careful thought and with wills, trusts and business agreements that clearly dictate the legacy plan.
The catastrophic earthquakes/tsunamis in Japan, and the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) understandably dominate today’s news. Japan is clearly an enormous human tragedy, as well as one with economic consequences. The events in both of these regions have created significant global uncertainty affecting everything from gasoline prices and food supply, to automobile production and power generation. These events serve to remind us that our growing global economy is heavily dependent on evermore expensive and vulnerable sources of fuel and power.
The time to consider the reinvestment risk of selling a family business is before, not after, the sale. A reinvention plan can help by taking into consideration the remaining ties to the business, estate and tax planning issues related to the sale, and personal reinvention for family members as they continue on without the business.
Fears of supply disruptions, regime change and further declines in the U.S. dollar are helping to drive oil prices higher. Yet, there seems to be sufficient capacity to offset supply shortfalls. Looking forward, fossil fuels and renewable alternatives both need to be developed to help secure our energy independence.
Sustainability has become a hallmark of market leaders. While sustainability is hard to measure, it has clearly become a prime concern of corporate management and we believe that it has reached a point where no prudent investor can ignore it.
The art market appears to be on the upswing worldwide with record-breaking prices in the past year. However, the biggest growth surge has come from China, not only because of the increasing number of collectors there but also because of renewed enthusiasm for the country's art.
The global financial crisis has debunked several myths about liquidity, including that long-term investors do not need short-term liquidity and that short-term investors are a reliable source of short-term liquidity. Instead, the most important source of liquidity is unleveraged contrarian investors who are willing to take the other side of an overcrowded trade.
The emerging market corporate bond market has become appropriate for a wider range of investors due to its size, liquidity, and dedicated research platforms. This paper highlights 10 key characteristics of this market segment as well as the fundamental risks and market risks for fixed-income investors.