This quarterly newsletter features the articles, "Estate Planning Key to Succession Planning," Exploring the Ins and Outs of Net Operating Losses," and "Tax Tips."
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Analysis shows alternative strategies and funds are far from equal in the diversification benefits they provide. Investors who want to use alternatives to reduce portfolio risk are wise to explore the performance characteristics of individual funds as well as consider how they are likely to perform under varying conditions.
More and more states are recognizing same-sex marriage. Although marriage and its legal implications are governed by state law, for federal purposes the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as a relationship between one woman and one man. This inconsistency creates some tax planning challenges for same sex couples.
International developed equities, mostly European, are trading below their 75th percentile and have occasionally flirted with their 90th percentile level in the past year. Such discounts can lead to relatively strong future returns but can require a good amount of patience.
Generation Investment Management argues that there is no trade-off, philosophically or empirically, between profit maximization and fostering environmental sustainability; however, a number of structural impediments exist to mainstreaming 'Sustainable Capitalism.'
We do not dispute the consensus view that growth may remain sluggish in the United States in the near term. However, that does not imply that equities and credit investments are dead money. Equity investors have often prospered during blasé periods of economic growth.
In addition to the tax requirements, there are numerous labor laws that are unique to household employers. This white paper addresses the areas of greatest risk to household employers and provides general guidance on risk reduction.
Continuity planning requires a comprehensive and thoughtful process that should be utilized and extended beyond the family to a broader group of enterprises that will potentially impact the family for generations to come, including the family office, family business, and family foundation.
Upon reflection of many meetings and conversations with economists, investment managers, and officials in Asia, three broad investment themes came out loud and clear: global growth is likely to continue to be muted; this will create some challenges for emerging countries; and Asia will therefore have to consider trade-offs with respect to their economies and politics.
The authors examine the current banking environment and opine on pricing and other trends that should lead to an unprecedented level of bank transactions during the next several years. They discuss the factors that should create the need and opportunity as well as present the challenges that have slowed substantial consolidation activity.