In this paper, consequences of globalization are examined. Workers from the US are facing a global labor market. Pressure on high-quality tangible assets is continuing to build. People are moving out of subsistence poverty at the fastest rate in history, creating a rapidly growing mass market for affordable tangibles as well as the most sought-after rarities.
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Our neighbor to the south has undergone a transformation of sorts. Mexico is no longer an economic weakling, having become a global player even in the face of the Great Recession and the rise of China, a trade competitor. Mexico’s progress seems not to be garnering the level of investor interest we think it deserves. Why not? Some U.S. Trust clients say they remain distracted by the country’s shaky financial past; others by the drug cartels that operate there today. We believe, though, that after looking more closely at Mexico, many investors will reconsider.
In terms of life of life span and medical need, a close look at the underlying numbers reveals a sharp disparity between developed and developing regions; particularly in poorer areas worldwide. Some differences are so stark, in fact, that there is what might be called a global healthcare divide. And for investors it’s a division worth understanding.
Edelman, the multi generational family owned communications specialist has released its latest research into Family Businesses and the loyalty & trust they command. This research examines the prominent paradox that has arisen in 2014, namely that while family businesses are highly trusted, the wealth they generate is criticized.
This document outlines 12 of the most common questions posed by couples prior to engaging in a prenuptial agreement.
Finding the right insurance partners can be daunting. This paper highlights the various roles and responsibilities required to protect a financially successful family. From internal staff and external risk consultants to insurance brokers and carriers-these insights can help you evaluate each team member and build a highly effective team to best protect your family.
This paper highlights the complex risks faced by multi-generational families and demonstrates how proper risk management can successfully protect their wealth for future generations.
The UK has delivered a remarkable cyclical upswing over the past year; with GDP growing at an average pace of over 3% annualised growth for 5 quarters in a row. This has been the result of extraordinary policy support both on the monetary side (low base rate policy and quantitative easing) and fiscal policy (smaller fiscal drag, Help to Buy scheme), which together with fading risks surrounding the Eurozone, provided a powerful boost to confidence, which helped to kick-start the economy.
Investment advisers often contract with subadvisers to obtain special investment expertise and sometimes outsource important operations or compliance-related functions to service providers. Outsourcing often provides cost-effective solutions but comes with its own compliance obligations, notably initial and on-going due diligence.
Employee Stock Ownership Plans, or ESOPs, have been used as succession planning tools for family-owned businesses for 40 years. Ownership succession planning is critically important in a family-owned business. There are many issues to review in succession planning and an ESOP should always be considered. An ESOP may be the ideal solution for the corporation and its shareholders