Global Foresight: Re-born in the USA


In this issue of Global Foresight, entitled "Re-born in the USA," Rockefeller & Co. takes a close look at the prospects for the U.S. dollar, challenges in emerging markets, opportunities in fixed income, and increasing U.S. energy production. David P. Harris, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, focuses on the varied implications of a stronger U.S. dollar and discusses Rockefeller’s general outlook for managing to a long-term strengthening dollar. Jimmy C. Chang, CFA, Chief Equity Strategist, describes the headwinds facing emerging markets, including the impact of potential Federal Reserve tapering. Mark Iannarelli, CFA, Director of Fixed Income articulates Rockefeller's bullish view on state and local government credit and highlights the need for deliberate credit selection. John C. O'Hara, Managing Director and Senior Advisor, examines the "game changer" of expanded North American energy production and its impact on industries along the energy value chain.

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