Economic and Investment Overview: Second Quarter 2014


Altantic Trust Private Wealth Management provides insight into the financial markets in its Economic and Investment Overview for the second quarter of 2014, some highlights include:

- Economy: Mostly good news
  • U.S.: Q1 likely weakest quarter of the year. 3% real GDP growth expected for full year.
- Policy: Fed action unfolding as expected
  • Fed policy remains on course to phase out QE this year, but leave short-term rates near zero into 2015.
- Equities: “Less return, more volatility”
  • Solid quarter for market averages despite soft earnings and sell-off in high-flying sectors.
- Fixed income: Expect higher bond yields
  • Q1 bond rally likely to be temporary; base case anticipates moderate rise in Treasury yields over balance of the year.
- Alternatives: A mixed bag
  • Private equity had a strong 2013, but early 2014 trends show some slowing in deal activity and exits.

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