FOX Series

Unnecessary Evils: A Critique of Wealth Management Norms Circa 2017

Jul 31, 2017
While many principals sense that their current investment programs aren’t likely to produce satisfactory risk-adjusted net returns in coming years and beyond, mo...

Moving to the Cloud: One Family Office’s Experience

Jul 31, 2017
“What is your family office’s number one threat? If it happened today, could you function tomorrow?”These are the questions that one family office executive aske...

The ETF Correlation Bubble: A Powder Keg?

Jul 21, 2017
Based on financial news articles and television shows, everyone should be aware that money is being constantly withdrawn from active managers and placed into ETF...

Why a Hacker May Be Lurking Near Your Bank Account

Jun 23, 2017
The ingenuity and success rate of hackers targeting banks and credit unions continues to shock and amaze. Don't expect the financial services industry to ever wi...

Best Practices for Onboarding New Family Office Clients

Jun 19, 2017
When was the last time you felt “at home” in a completely new environment? What about this experience – the people you encountered or the service you received –m...

On the Minds of Business-owning Families: Succession, Governance and Sustaining Wealth

May 24, 2017
51% of decisions in family businesses are made by senior generationsOver the last few years, business owners have inquired about ways to integrate the younger ge...

The 21st Century Challenge for Business-owning Families

May 19, 2017
 How does one manage a vibrant, multi-dimensional family business with family members and stakeholders scattered across the country? That’s the 21st century chal...

Leadership: A Situation Well Framed is Half Solved

May 5, 2017
For the past several years, I have had the honor and pleasure of Co-Chairing the FOX Senior Management Council with Mariann Mihailidis at FOX. This council is a ...

Inside the Family Office “To Do” List

Apr 11, 2017
The impact of the work accomplished each year by FOX family council members is impressive. We gather these peer groups of 25 wealth owners or family office execu...

Are you adding value? Or taking up space?

Apr 6, 2017
Every time you communicate, you’re doing one of two things:You’re adding valueYou’re taking up spaceWhen you add value, you’re contributing to the conversation. ...

Present Your Value with The Precision That You Deliver Your Value

Mar 21, 2017
The industry discussion of advisor fees realistically is not really an issue with fees. The issue is with the communication of the value associated with the fees...

What Keeps You Awake at Night? And What Are You Doing About It?

Mar 20, 2017
Writing down what’s worrying you releases energy and frees up brainpower to be used more productively. Researchers have found that students with test anxiety who...

Six Disruptions in the Investment Industry and the Future of Alpha

Mar 13, 2017
While investing has never been straightforward, investing today in the face of current uncertainty may seem overwhelming.Traditional approaches to constructing a...

Building Trust Within Family Enterprises

Feb 10, 2017
As I was preparing for the recent FOX Global Owners Forum, I was thinking about the importance of partnerships for family enterprises and why trust is the e...

How is Your Family's Relationship with Your Wealth?

Feb 10, 2017
Discussing the impact of wealth on your family can be a difficult conversation to initiate and daunting to guide. Everyone wants the relationship with mone...

Infographic: How Family Offices Reward Employees Beyond the Paycheck

Jan 20, 2017
According to the FOX 2016 Family Office Compensation and Benefits Study, nearly 50% of offices surveyed said that finding and keeping competent, experienced tale...

Family Office Holiday Parties: What You Should Know

Dec 5, 2016
Not to be a total Scrooge, but I would be remiss if I didn't raise a cautionary holiday season human capital reminder that your family office holiday party can e...

The Next Big Thing in Family Office Technology

Nov 4, 2016
This is the missing piece and, I hope, the next big thing in technology for financial services and the family office: using automation to create value in the bac...

The Evolution of Cybersecurity

Oct 7, 2016
How important is cybersecurity to you?If you’re like many family offices, it’s up there as a top priority: in the latest FOX benchmarking survey on family office...

5 Things You Need to Know Before Executing a Family Leadership Transition

Sep 14, 2016
While I was working as a consultant for FOX, the topic of leadership succession was often on my mind—particularly whenever I was working with a multi-generationa...

Meet Mellody Hobson

Sep 9, 2016
There are few speakers more compelling than Mellody Hobson.

How are Wealth Advisors Evolving?

Sep 1, 2016
In my previous blog post, “Is the Multi-Family Office Pricing Model Broken?”, I noted that there has been a 15% drop in the pricing of wealth management-related ...

Finding Growth in Emerging Markets

Aug 29, 2016
When considering an allocation to emerging markets, investors are almost universally seeking growth.Emerging economies have, indeed, significantly outperformed d...