Videos: Family Office Design Workshop 2017

Day One: Welcome and Introductions

Sara Hamilton
Founder and CEO, Family Office Exchange

This session introduces building blocks and sophisticated dimentions of the family office and family enterprise.

Governance and Oversight of the Family Office

Sara Hamilton
Founder and CEO, Family Office Exchange

Effective governance structures and decision-making processes help guide the family office. This session offers an understanding of governance in a family office.

Family Office Structures

Susan Gell Meyers
Partner, Warner Norcross & Judd LLP

Family office structure expert, Susan Gell Meyers discusses the pros and cons of various ownership and legal structures, as well as regulatory and tax considerations that can impact the family office.

Scope of Services and Delivery

Jane Flanagan, Family Office Exchange
Charles B. Grace, III, Family Office Exchange

Services provided to the family offices are, by definition, customized and integrated to meet the technical needs of managing a family's wealth. In this session, the scope of the modern family office's services will be examined.

Day Two: Costs of the Family Office

Charles B. Grace, III
Managing Director, Family Office Exchange

Leveraging insights from Day One and FOX proprietary research, Charlie Grace presents concepts about family office costs and outlines common allocation methods and structures.

Talent and Team Structure

Jane Flanagan, Family Office Exchange
Charles B. Grace, III, Family Office Exchange

The skill set and integrity of the family office staff have the greatest impact on the office's success. In this session, we examine the roles and responsibilities of key staff members, organizational structures, mapping staff, and key skills to services.

Technology and Data Security

Tania Neild
CEO, InfoGrate, Inc. 

The family office is a primary source of consolidated financial information. This session addresses the integration challenge inherent in consolidating data from multiple sources, and identifies appropriate technology architecture and solutions.

Operational Best Practices for the Family Office

Rob Mallernee 
Chief Executive Officer, ETON Solutions

The establishment of benchmarks and matching these to family and family office goals is critical to the professionalization of the office. This session will present best practices to implement and monitor metrics.

Wrap Up: Next Steps in the Design Process

Jane Flanagan, Family Office Exchange
Charles B. Grace, III, Family Office Exchange

A recap of planning tips and templates that outline critical steps in the family office design and improvement process.