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10156 results found
Five reasons to be optimistic about AI: Perspectives from consulting and accounting
Publish Date:
Jun 26 2024

Read this if you are interested in artificial intelligence (AI). Everyone is talking about AI right now. With the technology accelerating so fast, companies and individuals are struggling to figure out the impacts: Will it be helpful for businesses? Will it be harmful for employees? Will it change the way we work? The thought leade...

Embracing Generative AI in Family Offices: A Thoughtful Approach
Publish Date:
Jul 10 2024

By Wendy McCoy, Chief Strategist As an early advocate for AI-enhanced solutions during my time at IBM, it's surprising to suggest that family offices carefully consider the deployment of cutting-edge AI tools. While these tools can certainly support lean staffing models managing vast amounts of data, it's crucial to assess the specific type of A...

Transforming Endowment Tracking and Reporting
Publish Date:
Jul 10 2024

By Peter Cunha, Director of Business Development Imagine having the power to be agile enough to dive deep into your endowment portfolio with just a few clicks. Diving deep within an endowment portfolio presents challenges requiring careful management and sophisticated tools. The complexity of asset allocation demands expertise and regular rebala...