Every family office works with a variety of external advisors. In this 2011 FOX Fall Forum presentation, a multi-family office CEO and a single-family office CEO shared their perspectives on managing a family’s advisor ecosystem.The advisor ecosystem is defined as the network of personal and professional advisors who work to help the office staff a...
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In this 2011 FOX Fall Forum session, key lobbyists and attorneys shared how the new SEC regulations apply to single family offices and outline options for offices that do not qualify for exemption.The new SEC rule defining “family office” and exemption qualifications are as favorable as wealth owners and family office executives could hope. The SEC...
To help families meet their philanthropic goals and make a measurable difference, in this 2011 FOX Fall Forum session the speaker recommends allocating charitable dollars much the way an individual would allocate investment dollars. A structured approach to charitable giving allows families to meet their philanthropic goals and ensure they are...
At the the 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum, the president of the Private Investor Coalition describes how this group of 65 single family offices has worked with Congress and the SEC to secure a broad definition of family offices under terms of the Dodd-Frank Act. The new SEC rule defining “family office” and exemption qualifications are as...
In this 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum presentation, the president and CEO of the Policy and Taxation Group discusses up-to-the-minute legislative developments as well as the group’s ongoing lobbying efforts on behalf of wealthy owners. In the 2010 Tax Act, wealth owners won significant estate tax relief for two years with a 35% estate ta...
Wealth owners have an 18-month window of opportunity to capitalize on gift, estate, and generation-skipping tax provisions of the 2010 Tax Act. In this session at the 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum, a noted trusts and estates attorney recommends what to do now. From now until the end of 2012, couples have an opportunity to seize on a gift...
Many individuals are wondering whether the IRS intends to use its new audit unit to develop tax enforcement cases. A former high-ranking executive with the IRS provides answers in this 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum presentation.The IRS has created a new enforcement unit and hired nearly 3,000 examiners specifically to audit wealthy taxpa...
In this 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum session, two family offices report on what they learned from their analysis of the costs they incur in meeting the needs of the families they serve. A carefully designed cost/time study is key for family offices in pinpointing cost drivers and inefficiencies in resource utilization as well as in...
In this 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum session, personal product line experts from the underwriting and brokerage markets address changes in the insurance industry, personal insurance considerations, a risk management approach to insurance, and family office liability and solutions. It has been difficult for insurance carriers to off...
Get a glimpse of the family office of the future and the technology employed in securing, managing and distributing data. This 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum session also looks at how to make the most of existing technology. Conduct periodic assessments of your technology to ensure it aligns with your business goals. Even incremental chan...
Employers and employees have a lot to think about and keep track of when it comes to health benefits. One of the most obvious, but often troublesome issues, is telling employees just what those benefits are. Employers who provide health benefits are required by law to tell employees what the available benefits are and to do so in plain terms that a...
The complex needs of families stretch sales timelines and require a high degree of customization and cost. During the presentation given at the 2011 Wealth Advisor Forum, two FOX executives examined the business development and sales practices that meet these challenges and help turn prospects into long-term clients.
At the 2011 FOX Wealth Advisor Forum, a FOX executive reviewed the top trends contained in the current FOX Wealth Trends™ and discussed the findings with two leading wealth advisors who explained how they see the trends manifesting themselves in their practices.
The internet and connected devices are transforming the world, mostly for the better. But for all the advantages cyberspace brings, there are also growing risks for businesses and families, all of which are relevant for family offices. We’re all vulnerable, but wealthy families are particularly attractive targets in the eyes of cybercriminals...
This presentation given at the workshop, "The Evolution of the Small Family Office: Models for Sustainability," covers popular trust structures that promote family involvement, education and succession, and important family considerations and provisions relating to trusts. It also reviews ways to preserve investment management flexibility for a fam...