Private Wealth Network of Latin America
Welcome to the Private Wealth Network of Latin America
Family Office Exchange (FOX) is the private place where successful business owning families find objective, world-class resources to optimize the management of their closely-held business, their family relations, and the management of the wealth created by their business.
Guidance is provided through forums, workshops, networking with knowledgeable peers and the worldwide online library of research by FOX into how the world’s smartest families manage their businesses and their wealth. The experience is designed to empower business owners, shareholders, heirs, executives, directors and all those professionals who work in the family business.
FOX brings together the resources of the global FOX network, currently serving families in 20 countries, and the Family Business School of Brazil.
Join the Network
Tap the benefits of the network through an annual membership
- Learn from live 90 minute online seminars on topics critical to sustaining family wealth
- Attend workshops and forums for 20% off the public price
- Access the digital library of FOX containing best practices on a wide variety of topics for business owning families and family offices
- Meet and network with your peers