Private Family Trust Company Symposium

Private Family Trust Company Symposium


Event Profile
The Private Family Trust company Symposium provides 2 days of in-depth information relevant to the needs of executives managing or interested in learning about the private family trust company structure

Attendee profile

90-100 Private family Trust Company executives and experts who have or are exploring institutionalizing their family governance through a Private Family Trust Company

Underwriting Opportunities

Private Family Trust Company Symposium Underwriter:  $20,000

Work with FOX to develop role in the program that highlights your firm’s expertise and contribution to quality insights and education… whether as a facilitator, identifying expert speakers or moderating a session.


  • Two senior executive attendees
  • Company branding 
  • FOX website for up to 6 months (depending on time of engagement)
  • Program promotions to include company logo and recognition as Private Family Trust Company Symposium Underwriter
  • Recognition at the program as Underwriter


Network Underwriter:  $25,000

Be part of the conversation of the Private Family Trust Company Network.  This on-line community brings together PFTC executives, advisors, regulators and industry experts to address the needs of the PFTC throughout the year. Position your firm as the network’s advocate while demonstrating your firm’s expertise through a variety of mediums.


  • One year of underwriting positioning on the FOX website and at the PFTC Symposium
  • Participation on the PFTC ListServ as an expert
  • Participate in the development of programming for webinars and content development for the community

Private Family Trust Company Symposium


Event Profile
The Private Family Trust company Symposium provides 2 days of in-depth information relevant to the needs of executives managing or interested in learning about the private family trust company structure

Attendee profile

90-100 Private family Trust Company executives and experts who have or are exploring institutionalizing their family governance through a Private Family Trust Company

Underwriting Opportunities

Private Family Trust Company Symposium Underwriter:  $20,000

Work with FOX to develop role in the program that highlights your firm’s expertise and contribution to quality insights and education… whether as a facilitator, identifying expert speakers or moderating a session.


  • Two senior executive attendees
  • Company branding 
  • FOX website for up to 6 months (depending on time of engagement)
  • Program promotions to include company logo and recognition as Private Family Trust Company Symposium Underwriter
  • Recognition at the program as Underwriter


Network Underwriter:  $25,000

Be part of the conversation of the Private Family Trust Company Network.  This on-line community brings together PFTC executives, advisors, regulators and industry experts to address the needs of the PFTC throughout the year. Position your firm as the network’s advocate while demonstrating your firm’s expertise through a variety of mediums.


  • One year of underwriting positioning on the FOX website and at the PFTC Symposium
  • Participation on the PFTC ListServ as an expert
  • Participate in the development of programming for webinars and content development for the community