FOX Rising Gen Forum - May 5-6, 2019 - Agenda

Sunday, May 5, 2019

9:00 am - 11:00 am

FOX Rising Gen Gives Back (optional)

Join your fellow FOX Rising Gen members in giving back to the local community. This service opportunity will be a hands-on experience to serve those in need as well as provide a chance to get to know your fellow participants, while we spend our morning assembling school supply kits.

11:30 amRegistration Opens
11:45 am

Networking Luncheon

12:45 pm


A highly valued benefit of participating in a FOX Rising Gen Forum is getting to know your peers in a safe space to explore the challenges and opportunities facing young people of wealth. We will “break the ice” and kick-off the Spring Forum with fun, interactive games designed to jump-start your networking.

1:15 pm

Family Dynamics: Effective Family Conversations

Ann Dugan, Senior Managing Director, Education and Advisory Services, Family Office Exchange

Navigating family dynamics can be challenging in any family, however, add the complexity of significant wealth or business ownership and those challenges can amplify. As a Rising Gen, knowing how to initiate and manage difficult conversations around substantive family issues such as conflict, succession, and engaging the next generation can be a powerful tool. Join two experienced family members who have journeyed these roads themselves and on the behalf of clients to gain practical tools for having effective conversations within your own family.

2:45 pmNetworking Break
3:15 pm

Creating a Personal Learning Plan

Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX Family Learning CenterTM

Whether your goal is financial literacy, personal growth, or preparing for transition into leadership,  having  a clear plan to gain the skills, knowledge, and experience you need is essential. Understand components of an effective plan to help align your learning with your values, goals, and ambitions.

4:15 pm

Rising Gen Peer Dialogue 

Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX Family Learning CenterTM

Participants will choose a topic and join in facilitated discussions with peers.

5:30 pmSunday Agenda Concludes
6:30 pmCocktail Reception & Dinner

Monday, May 6, 2019

8:00 amBreakfast and Registration
9:00 amOpening Remarks
9:05 am


What Do You Want the Leadership Generation to Know?

Using a brainwriting exercise, we will define the issues and ideas that you want the Leadership Generation to know about your interests, capabilities, and goals.

9:45 am

Three Degrees of Engagement in Personal Investing

Paulina Cromwell, CFA, Product Manager, Family Office Exchange
Jeffrey Dunn, CFP, Director, Client Advisory Team, Tolleson Wealth Management
Kristi Kuechler, Managing Director, Investor Market, Family Office Exchange

Whether you are an experienced investor or just learning to understand a financial statement, these sessions will provide you with information to better grasp your own and your family’s financial picture and give you hands-on strategies to apply your learnings.

  • An introductory session will focus on financial literacy, including: budgeting, banking and credit, taxes, and financial institutions. 
  • An intermediate session will focus on investment strategy, including: establishing objectives, return and risk measures, defining asset classes, and setting asset allocation.
  • An advanced session will go deeper into investment portfolio mechanics, with topics including: investment vehicles and management styles, factor  construction, and liquidity management.
11:45 am

Networking Luncheon and Peer Dialogue: Life Stages

While we are all part of the Rising Generation, many of us are at different stages in life, encountering challenges and opportunities unique to that life stage. This Luncheon will provide a chance to talk with peers who share a similar life stage including:

  • The Single Life
  • Engaging Your Spouse/Partner in the Family Enterprise
  • Parents: Involving the Kids
  • Stepping into the Leadership Generation
12:45 pm

Developing Your Personal Brand

Dave Loomis, Founder and President, Loomis Marketing, LLC

Branding isn’t limited to marketing a product, service, or business. Articulating a personal brand – a statement about who you are and what you have to offer – is a powerful way to direct your career development and control how you are perceived within your family. This interactive session will guide you through the process of creating your personal brand and explore how you can bring it to life.

1:45 pmClosing Remarks and Staying Connected