2020 FOX Rising Gen Spring Forum - Agenda

Friday, April 3

11:00 amRegistration 
11:45 am 

Networking Luncheon

12:30 pmWelcome and Discovery Session

Heather Abramson, Director, Relationship Manager, Family Office Exchange
Mindy Kalinowski Earley, CMP, CFBA, Chief Learning Officer, Family Learning CenterTM​, Family Office Exchange
Kara Murphy​, Family Learning Program Manager, Family Office Exchange

Exploring the Depths of a Passion

Stockton Rush,
CEO & Founder, OceanGate Inc.

After pursuing a career in the skies – at 19, he was the youngest licensed jet transport pilot – and as a tech investor, Stockton Rush turned his curiosity and passion for exploration into OceanGate, a company that builds deep ocean submersibles and offers researchers and citizens alike a chance to take an expedition of a lifetime. We will hear his pioneering story about innovation, design, and a desire to push boundaries in exploration of some of the world’s deepest ocean sites.

Building a Business

Jacob Ball

Additional Presenters Forthcoming...

Some say building and growing a business is in your genes. Whether it is nature or nurture, the ability to create or grow a business, non-profit or social enterprise is no simple task. We will hear from two FOX Rising Gen members about how they approached building a business, what it takes to find the right opportunity and their secrets to success.

Not Your Grandparents' Investment Portfolio

Michael P. Hotz
, CFA, Vice President, Asset Consulting Group

Whether in the form of investment themes like cannabis, cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence - or a values-based ESG approach, investors today have more opportunities than ever before.  A well-regarded investment consulting firm will lead an interactive discussion about how to effectively integrate your personal values, beliefs and interests into your investment portfolio.

5:30 pmFriday Agenda Concludes
6:30 pmDinner Reception

Saturday, April 4

8:00 amRegistration and Networking Breakfast
9:00 am

Welcome and Discovery Session

Heather Abramson
, Director, Relationship Manager, Family Office Exchange
Mindy Kalinowski Earley, CMP, CFBA, Chief Learning Officer, Family Learning CenterTM​, Family Office Exchange
Kara Murphy​, Family Learning Program Manager, Family Office Exchange

One of the most valued benefits of participating in the Forum is getting to know your peers in a safe space to explore the challenges and opportunities facing young people of wealth. We will “break the ice” with fun, interactive exercises designed to jump-start your networking.

9:45 am

Learning to Embrace the F-Word

Mindy Kalinowski Earley
, CMP, CFBA, Chief Learning Officer, Family Learning CenterTM​, Family Office Exchange
Kara Murphy​, Family Learning Program Manager, Family Office Exchange
Bill Lyons, Senior Director, Institute for Family Culture, Abbot Downing

As human beings, we are conditioned to shy away from the F-word. No, not that one, Failure. In this interactive session, we will explore what it means to fail, whether in spectacular fashion or only in the confines of our families. We will engage in exercises that teach us to embrace failure in the small things, so we are prepared to risk, and possibly fail, in the bigger things in life. 

 When Things Didn't Go the Way I Planned

Mercy Goddard, 
Vice President and Family Member, Investment Resources Corporation

Additional Presenters Forthcoming...

FOX members will share their stories about the time things didn’t go the way they planned, how they failed and lived to tell the tale. And we will have an opportunity to share our own stories with one another in roundtable conversations.

Roundtable Discussions
11:45 amNetworking Luncheon and Peer Exchange

Participants will join in facilitated discussions with peers on a variety of topics.
12:45 pmResilience and Recovery

Bill Lyons, Senior Director, Institute for Family Culture, Abbot Downing

We will dive into the concept of resiliency, and what it takes to recover when something doesn’t go the way you’ve planned.
2:00 pm Forum Adjourns