2016 Autumn Global Investment Forum 2016 - Agenda

Agenda | Exhibitors | Speakers | Venue & Accommodations | Download Brochure | Materials
Thursday, September 15, 2016 | |
7:15 am | Breakfast and Registration |
8:15 am | Welcome |
8:30 am | Unleashing your Psychological Capital Speaker: Denise Shull, Founder & CEO, The ReThink Group, Neuroeconomist and Performance Coach; Bill Long, Managing Director, The ReThink Group In this unique presentation, Denise Shull and Bill Long will outline a radical view on the role of feelings and emotions in investment decisions. While conventional wisdom tells us to “remove the emotions” when it comes to investing, Denise Shull, drawing upon her years of study in neuroscience and her extensive trading experience, will explain the basics of neuroscience and how to re-think your thinking about market risk. Denise and Bill will provide a pragmatic approach to navigating the shifting relationships among reason, analysis, emotion, and intuition – giving you the knowledge to capitalize on your psychological capital. |
9:15 am | Morning Break and Refreshments |
9:30 am | Peer Dialogue Session One FOX Networks, Councils & Affinity Groups FOX Networks, Councils and affinity groups provide opportunity to engage in the type of highlevel conversation that can only be achieved by people who are currently and purposefully active in pursuits similar to your own. Each Dialogue session will be facilitated by a member of the FOX team who is dedicated to generating strategic conversation and focused sharing of investment themes, ideas, solutions and deals to improve participant decision making. Each Forum participant will be invited to attend a specific topic appropriate session or affinity community. To maintain the intimate nature of these conversations, the number of sessions offered and topics shared will be determined on the day of the Forum. Sessions will include, among others, the FOX Direct Investing Network (DIN); the FOX Investment Strategy Network (ISN), and the FOX Strategic CIO Council (SCIOC). Please note that some discussion groups will be limited to network members or council members only. |
10:45 am | FOX Voice of the Wealth Owner™ Panel Discussion – Insights into Entrepreneurial Capital Speakers: Rakesh Gupta, CEO & Co-Founder, KiwiTech; Joel Kanter, President, Windy City, Inc.; Richard Vaughan, CEO, Alloy Merchant Finance, L.P. Moderator: Sara Hamilton, Founder & CEO, Family Office Exchange Case studies have always been a valuable learning tool as family enterprises look for new ways to invest their entrepreneurial capital. We are fortunate to have three principals with tremendous experience who will share their background and their experiences launching innovative models and making early stage investments in different market segments. Come to hear their philosophies about industry bets, investment structures, and lessons learned the hard way. |
12:00 pm | Luncheon Women and Wealth Speaker: Sallie Krawcheck, Chair - Ellevate Network, Co-Founder & CEO - Ellevest Women in the United States control over $5 trillion in investable assets. Even with that level of wealth, financial advisors are slow to address the investment needs and unique requirements of this burgeoning demographic. Sallie Krawcheck has often noted that “Investing in women is simply smart business” and is expressing this view through her ownership in the Ellevate companies where her 34,000 strong network of women focuses on helping women succeed in three ways: Connect, Learn, and Invest. Sallie will share the strategies behind the success of Ellevate and what can be done to further enhance the critical area of Women and Wealth. |
1:45 pm | Forum Breakout Sessions |
Breakout 1A: Impact Investing Moving Beyond Talk - A Practitioner's Perspective Speakers: Raúl Pomares, Managing Director & Co-Founder, Sonen Capital; Stuart Davidson, Chairman & Co-Founder, Sonen Capital Impact investing continues to garner increasing attention in the financial media and amongst the investing community. While generating shared consensus and arriving at the decision to invest in line with your family values is a great accomplishment, many families face challenges when it comes to moving beyond conversations and formulating an actual implementation plan with key advisors. Raúl Pomares and Stuart Davidson will highlight a framework families can follow to implement impact, discuss a case study of a family who has successfully made this transition, and share investment examples across asset classes that fit a variety of families' investment considerations. | |
Breakout 1B: Venture Capital De-Risking Early Stage Investments and Maximizing Returns Speaker: Constance Freedman, Managing Partner, Moderne Ventures Constance Freedman has invested in more than 40 technology companies and helped bring them to market by partnering with over 300 executives and corporations. Based on her extensive experience, Constance will lead an interactive dialogue highlighting venture strategies of several of the SaaS-based technologies in digital media, fintech, business services, big data and B2B investment in which she engages. | |
Breakout 1C: Water The Resource Defining the 21st Century Speaker: Matt Diserio, President & Co-Founder, Water Asset Management The water industry is among the world’s largest and most essential, yet water industry economics remain under-appreciated and largely misunderstood by most investors. Water Asset Management's public and private equity water experience provides insights into an industry with exceptional long term growth drivers and pricing power. The discussion will focus on public and private equity investment opportunities in water companies and assets that provide returns, solutions and impact. | |
2:45 pm | Networking Break |
3:00 pm | Peer Dialogue Session Two: Ideas & Actions No matter how cutting-edge and effective Forum speakers are…much of the learning at a FOX program comes from participating in small-group conversation with other investment decision-makers. The Ideas & Actions session is an unparalleled opportunity to learn from other attendees about how they are wrestling with some of the challenges you are facing as well as what opportunities they are seeing…and most-importantly, what actions you can take to mitigate…or proliferate. Each participant will be able to self-select 3 topics of interest on which to dialogue and share ideas & actions. |
4:30 pm | Emerging Markets Speaker: Nicolas Rohatyn, CEO/CIO, The Rohatyn Group The Rohatyn Group is a leading, specialized asset management firm focused exclusively on investing in emerging markets. It is Nick Rohatyn’s belief that successful investment outcomes in emerging markets require experienced, talented individuals utilizing local sources of insight and information. As such, the firm’s global network spans four continents and includes 14 owned or subsidiary offices across Asia (Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, New Delhi, Shanghai and Singapore), Europe (London) and Latin America (Buenos Aires, Lima, Mexico City, Montevideo, and Sao Paulo). Nick has agreed to share his perspective with the FOX community on: Emerging markets and emerging market investment strategies that can deliver attractive, risk-adjusted returns to investors with a long-term perspective; top-down and bottom-up research data necessary to develop investment themes and strategies; and a broad array of hedging techniques involving both emerging markets and G7 securities that can reduce volatility and enhance returns. |
5:30 pm | Cocktail Reception |