2015 FOX 100

Family Office Exchange (FOX) is pleased to present this year’s selection of articles, reports and white papers devoted to the issues of most concern to wealth owners and family office executives globally.

To assist in locating information of particular interest, Resource Center material once again is grouped by subject area.


Should You Keep a Trust Quiet (Silent) From Beneficiaries?
South Dakota Trust Company, LLC

Family Wealth Conversations: ’Tis Better to Give with Tax Laws on Your Side

Using Mid-Year Tax Projections in Investment Planning
Kanaly Trust

Sudden Wealth: Managing the Transition
Abbot Downing

678 Trusts: Planning Strategies and Pitfalls
The Blum Firm, P.C.

Case Study: Estate Planning When Selling a Family-Owned Business
The Blum Firm, P.C.

Business Succession Planning Roadmap: A Planner’s Ten-Step Guide
The Blum Firm, P.C.

Tax Basis Optimization Strategies Using Trusts
Warner, Norcross & Judd

Challenges Faced by Wealthy, Multi-Generational Family Real Estate Enterprises
FTI Consulting

Are you Positioned for Growth?
Plante Moran

Want To Sell Your Business? The Sky’s Not Falling Yet
Plante Moran


The Department of Justice and SEC Provide Guidance on How to Prevent and Respond to Cybersecurity Threats
Kobre and Kim

Under Lock and Key
Hub International

Professional Liability Risk Management
Hub International

How do I Prioritize my personal wealth plan during the sale of my business?

Should I diversify the number of advisors I work with to minimize risk and maximize performance?

Caring for Aging Parents
Altair Advisers

The Devil is In the Details: Adapting to the Emerging Risks Facing the High Net-Worth Client
Pathstone Family Office

Here's How to Become a Standout Among Wealth Managers
PURE Insurance

Abbot Downing

Kidnap & Ransom Issues to Consider
Marsh Private Client Services

Cyber Risk and Identity Theft: Protect Your Lifestyle
Marsh Private Client Services

Women in leadership: the family business advantage
Ernst & Young

When Addiction Surfaces in Beneficiaries and Client Offspring: A New Approach Based on Highly Successful Programs for Physicians
O'Connor Professional Group

Avoiding a data breach in family offices
Novack and Macey, LLP

Taming the Rapidly Rising Tide of Records and Information: There’s more at stake for family offices than you might think
Warner, Norcross & Judd

Things to Consider When Creating Executive Protection Services for Wealthy Families
Warner, Norcross & Judd

Innovations in Private Wealth Technology & Reporting
Archway Technology

Case study: CWP Management
External IT

Cloud Computing Checklist for Family Offices
External IT


Exit with Style: Private Business Owners Plan for ‘Living Transition’
Kanaly Trust

Transferring Your Wisdom and Your Wealth>
Kanaly Trust

How can our family best execute successful and productive family meetings?

Advisory Board: An Important Step in Transitioning the Family Business
Ascent Private Capital Management

Lessons learned - Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Wilmington Trust

Rediscovering Ethical Wills
Wilmington Trust

Beyond “Cohesion:” Why Terminology Must Evolve through the Generations

Staying power: how do family businesses create lasting success?
Ernst & Young

Wealth Transfer Planning: Structuring Transactions to Enhance Financial Results
Abbot Downing

I Am The Cobbler
Video Family Biographies

Re-Energize with Enterprise
Ascent Private Capital Management/US Bank

Helping Your Child Become Financially Self-sufficient
Ascent Private Capital Management/US Bank

Intra-family loans: Options for friendly terms abound in a low-rate environment
Hemenway & Barnes

Going global: Three keys to expanding business internationally
Hemenway & Barnes

Artwork and Your Legacy: Important Choices for Stewardship of Your Collection
Hawthorn PNC Family Wealth

Wealth Transfer in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
Hawthorn PNC Family Wealth

Three Important Estate Planning Ideas for 2015: Focus on What Is Most Important in Estate Planning
Hawthorn PNC Family Wealth

LHT Consulting


Economic growth: Slow Sailing Ahead?
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management

CNY Devaluation: More than the Market Expected>
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management

Piece by Piece: Puzzling Out Fiscal Integration>
Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management

Impact Investing: A Primer for Family Offices
World Economic Forum

Investment Update: Separating Signal from Noise
BNY Mellon

A Fork in The Road
BNY Mellon

The family-office playbook: Core beliefs and key asset allocation recommendations
Wellington Management Co.

The Anatomy of Giving: Drives behind philanthropic giving

Myths About Trusts And Investment Management: The Glass is Half Full!
South Dakota Trust Company

Where to go from here? Thoughts (But No Predictions) About the Current Environment
Cook & Bynum Capital Management, LLC

Chasing Basis Points
Nease, Lagana, Eden & Culley, Inc.

It’s Wall Street vs. China - Have You Thought About How Your Portfolio Is Positioned?
Dillon Gage

The Folly of Jeremy Siegel & Modern American Portfolios
Dillon Gage

The family-office playbook: Core beliefs and key asset allocation recommendations
Wellington Management Co.

The Changing Benefits of Adding Hedge Funds to Traditional Asset Allocations
Drexel Morgan

Federalism, Regulatory Assets Under Management ("RAUM"), and Voluntary Registration with the SEC as an Investment Adviser - Part One
Perkins Coie

Gresham Partners Weighs In On The Fiduciary Standard Debate
Gresham Partners, LLC

Engaging the Next Generation
Federal Street Advisors, Inc.

Impact Investing: Finding The Clear Path
Federal Street Advisors, Inc.

Oil What's Happened and What's Next
Federal Street Advisors, Inc.

Impact Report
North Sky Capital

Impact Investing Becomes Mainstream
North Sky Capital

Financial Markets Monitor
Atlantic Trust Private Wealth Management

Broader Options, Fewer Constraints: A Fresh Look at Hedge Funds
Atlantic Trust Private Wealth Management

Responsible, Sustainable and Impact Investing: Doing Well By Doing Good
Atlantic Trust Private Wealth Management

Hedge Funds in the Current Environment
CAIS Group

Research Perspectives
CAIS Group


To Sell or Not to Sell: Considerations of Family Business
GenSpring Family Offices

Don't Put Your Client's Shiny New Corporate Jet Into A Sole-Asset L.L.C. (Unless you Really want to Create an Airline)
Shackelford, Melton, McKinley & Norton

Flight Operations in RVSM Airspace FAA, Aircraft Operators Team Up for Fuel Efficiency
Shackelford, Melton, McKinley & Norton

The (State) Tax Man Cometh so be sure to plan for state taxes when buying your airplane
Shackelford, Melton, McKinley & Norton