FOX Multi-Family Office Council™

The Council Experience

The FOX Multi-Family Office Council is comprised of multi-family office executives addressing critical strategic issues in building/operating their practices.

This Council collaboratively addresses the challenges of building profitable advisory businesses while influencing the direction of this evolving segment that serves ultra-wealthy families, family offices, and families operating significant businesses.

The Council Commitment 

Belonging to a FOX Council requires active participation. Council members commit to:

  • Involvement in establishing the direction of the Council
  • Full participation in Council discussions
  • Open, transparent sharing in the secure environment of Council discussions
  • A Council Membership fee to cover the cost of Council meetings, custom research, the Consulting Relationship Manager, and additional Forum event credits
Key Benefits of Council Membership
  • One annual 1-day meeting with highly-qualified Council peers featuring in-depth dialogue and the latest FOX research
  • Access to FOX subject matter experts for industry questions and full utilization of the FOX online Knowledge Center
  • First-hand insights that will help you articulate your firm's distinguishing capabilities
  • Access 24 webinars annually covering a wide range of topics by top industry experts
  • Utilize the complete library of FOX proprietary family office and wealth management research
  • Receive an extended profile in the FOX Advisory Directory and the right to use the membership seal in your collateral
  • Ability to engage FOX to train your staff and your clients on topics from the FOX Learning Curriculum
  • Participate in FOX Wealth Advisor benchmarking study
  • Participate in the private online discussion forum
  • Ability to submit your firm's articles and white papers to the FOX Knowledge Center
The Council Experience

The FOX Multi-Family Office Council is comprised of multi-family office executives addressing critical strategic issues in building/operating their practices.

This Council collaboratively addresses the challenges of building profitable advisory businesses while influencing the direction of this evolving segment that serves ultra-wealthy families, family offices, and families operating significant businesses.

The Council Commitment 

Belonging to a FOX Council requires active participation. Council members commit to:

  • Involvement in establishing the direction of the Council
  • Full participation in Council discussions
  • Open, transparent sharing in the secure environment of Council discussions
  • A Council Membership fee to cover the cost of Council meetings, custom research, the Consulting Relationship Manager, and additional Forum event credits
Key Benefits of Council Membership
  • One annual 1-day meeting with highly-qualified Council peers featuring in-depth dialogue and the latest FOX research
  • Access to FOX subject matter experts for industry questions and full utilization of the FOX online Knowledge Center
  • First-hand insights that will help you articulate your firm's distinguishing capabilities
  • Access 24 webinars annually covering a wide range of topics by top industry experts
  • Utilize the complete library of FOX proprietary family office and wealth management research
  • Receive an extended profile in the FOX Advisory Directory and the right to use the membership seal in your collateral
  • Ability to engage FOX to train your staff and your clients on topics from the FOX Learning Curriculum
  • Participate in FOX Wealth Advisor benchmarking study
  • Participate in the private online discussion forum
  • Ability to submit your firm's articles and white papers to the FOX Knowledge Center