FOX Client Experience Council™

The Council Experience

The FOX Client Experience Council is comprised of client-facing employees of both single and multi-family offices who are responsible for delivering a broad, integrated service experience to family member clients.

The goal of this Council is to help elevate the professional and personal performance of the participants. The members will benefit from a custom curriculum conveying best practices developed by FOX and connecting with a group of true peers to exchange ideas and learnings.  

The Council Commitment
  • Belonging to a FOX Council requires active participation. Council members commit to:
  • Involvement in establishing the direction of the Council
  • Full participation in Council discussions
  • Open, transparent sharing in the secure environment of Council discussions
  • A Council Membership fee to cover the cost of Council meetings, custom research, the Consulting Relationship Manager, and additional Forum event credits
  • Attendance at both meetings each year because continuity is critical in a close peer environment
Key Benefits of Council Membership
  • Elevate your professional and personal performance thereby enhancing the long term well-being of the family
  • Custom FOX-designed curriculum to guide the Council to its full potential. 
  • Interact with your peers during
  • two highly-customized 1-day sessions each year held in a private, confidential setting hosted by FOX or a member of the Council
  • Custom cuts of FOX research or special surveys among Council members for the benefit of this Council's work
  • Participate in the vibrant, online discussion forum dedicated to the Council
  • Receive personalized guidance and access solutions and direction from your dedicated Consulting Relationship Manager
  • Receive full benefits of FOX membership plus priority access to benchmarking and survey results
  • Hear expert presentations by FOX and industry thought leaders on relevant topics
"You can't find this level of conversation anywhere in the marketplace"
- FOX Council Member
The Council Experience

The FOX Client Experience Council is comprised of client-facing employees of both single and multi-family offices who are responsible for delivering a broad, integrated service experience to family member clients.

The goal of this Council is to help elevate the professional and personal performance of the participants. The members will benefit from a custom curriculum conveying best practices developed by FOX and connecting with a group of true peers to exchange ideas and learnings.  

The Council Commitment
  • Belonging to a FOX Council requires active participation. Council members commit to:
  • Involvement in establishing the direction of the Council
  • Full participation in Council discussions
  • Open, transparent sharing in the secure environment of Council discussions
  • A Council Membership fee to cover the cost of Council meetings, custom research, the Consulting Relationship Manager, and additional Forum event credits
  • Attendance at both meetings each year because continuity is critical in a close peer environment
Key Benefits of Council Membership
  • Elevate your professional and personal performance thereby enhancing the long term well-being of the family
  • Custom FOX-designed curriculum to guide the Council to its full potential. 
  • Interact with your peers during
  • two highly-customized 1-day sessions each year held in a private, confidential setting hosted by FOX or a member of the Council
  • Custom cuts of FOX research or special surveys among Council members for the benefit of this Council's work
  • Participate in the vibrant, online discussion forum dedicated to the Council
  • Receive personalized guidance and access solutions and direction from your dedicated Consulting Relationship Manager
  • Receive full benefits of FOX membership plus priority access to benchmarking and survey results
  • Hear expert presentations by FOX and industry thought leaders on relevant topics
"You can't find this level of conversation anywhere in the marketplace"
- FOX Council Member