Family Office FAQs
Q: What are the greatest challenges faced by family offices?
A: Some of the greatest challenges family offices face include:
- Succession of leadership
- Family agreement on purpose
- Attaining access to strategic advice
- Being “penny-wise and pound-foolish”
- Managing partnerships for members
- Finding solutions that offer consolidated reporting
Q: What criteria should I use to evaluate an advisor?
A: FOX consulting clients often cite the following:
- Integrity and firm experience relevant to owner’s situation
- Clear alignment of advisor interests with owners
- Flexibility in supporting diverse client needs
- Robust and accurate accountability system
- Access to quality investment advice
- Access to managers for alternative asset classes
- Ability to support or serve as co-trustee or fiduciary
- Proactive education for involved family members
- High level of client service and responsiveness
Q: What holds a financial family together?
A: Here are the things that hold a financial family together:
- Common and unique family heritage
- Unified family vision of the future
- Pooled investment opportunities
- Multi-generation ownership structures
- Shared philanthropic mission
Q: What legal structures are commonly used for family offices?
A: Depending on jurisdiction and purpose, the legal structure of a family office can take a variety of forms.
In the United States, the most common legal structure for a family office is an LLC (33%), followed by the S Corp (20%), and C Corp (16%). Fourteen percent (14%) of U.S. offices function as part of the operating company and have no formal structure and less than 10% are structured as private trust companies.
What are some family office alternatives? Find out here>>