About FOX Leading Wealth Advisors
The importance of integrated wealth advice
At FOX, we know that establishing a single family office is not the right solution for everyone. Our experience shows that when a family’s wealth exceeds $20 million, they need to consider firms providing a comprehensive, integrated solution rather than a single discipline focus such as investment management or financial planning. When done right, integrated wealth management means making each decision based on a holistic view of the impact it will have on the family’s financial goals and personal situation relating to investments, taxes, estate planning, philanthropy, and family education.
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Who is in this directory?
Over the last two decades, FOX’s work with hundreds of families has resulted in great insight into the integrated wealth management advice needed by families of significant wealth, and FOX has tracked the advisory firms that actually deliver it. FOX has also put this insight to work when developing the screening criteria for the FOX Leading Wealth Advisors Directory. Only those firms able to demonstrate the required characteristics are invited to participate.
Tools to help you with your search
Navigating the Wealth Management Landscape is a white paper authored by FOX to help families understand the services they need, according to the complexity of their wealth management goals and needs. The paper also addresses the types of institutions and advisors that investors will run across, explaining what services to expect from each type of firm.
The Wealth Advisor Assessment Checklist is a worksheet that can be used to help you periodically review and rate your wealth advisor by the top 24 service components.
Questions to Ask Wealth Advisors provides a laundry list of questions to consider when interviewing a wealth advisor.