Investment Portfolio Analyst

Investment Portfolio Analyst-Family Office (New Jersey)

Position Description

A prominent New Jersey real estate enterprise is looking for a family office investment professional who can oversee their non-real estate investments. More precisely, they are seeking an individual who can coordinate their private capital (equity and credit) allocations. The position entails performing the due diligence on new investments presented to the family and in managing the portfolio on a day-to-day basis. The position also requires designing accounting and performance reports on the portfolio. Additionally, the individual would need to be skilled at developing and maintaining good relationships with the family’s external investment advisors who provide ideas for consideration.


Investment Analysis

  • Assist the family in formulating an overall asset allocation structure encompassing the various sectors of the private equity and debt markets. These could include venture capital, buyout, growth equity, mezzanine debt, distressed debt, credit funds, etc.
  • Establish a methodology for assessing fund managers, encompassing their risk management approach and investment selection processes.
  • Provide assessments on secondary funds presented.
  • Provide analysis of the key industry sectors in this space including technology, healthcare, retail, etc. Evaluate the economic and operational dynamics surrounding some of the key industries in these sectors.
  • Drive the due diligence process on new investment opportunities presented to the family. More specifically, assess the business, financial and operational risks on these new investments.
  • With direct investments, review financial statements as well as the company’s business model. Clearly identify their key drivers for success including access to capital.
  • Review the basic parts of the legal documentation, seeking support of counsel when appropriate.
  • Assess the fee structures encompassing placement & commitment fees, management fees, hurdle rates or preferred returns, and carried interest.
  • Conduct post-investment monitoring of investments, meeting with general partners and attending briefings arranged by sponsors and investment advisors.
  • When considering a new fund investment, evaluate the performance of the general partners with prior funds. Aside from the IRR, assess the GP’s results in arranging exits, ability to raise investor capital and operational resources.
  • Manage liquidity and vintage year allocations.

Operations & Reporting

  • Establish a standard reporting routine consisting of these categories: vintage year, original commitment, cumulative capital contributions, unfunded commitments, distributions, remaining valuation, net IRR, TVPI (total value to paid in capital) and DPI (distributions to paid in capital).
  • Design investment policy statement covering objectives, investment selection process and monitoring.
  • Monitor fees paid across the portfolio, including commitment fees, management fees and carried interest.
  • Monitor the distribution “waterfalls” or the cascading schedule for distributing capital and profits.
  • Put in place any automated portfolio systems that would drive reporting efficiencies.
  • Project cash flows covering capital calls and distributions, aiming to balance them closely over time.

Relationship Management

  • Develop professional relationships and contacts within the investment industry in order to gain knowledge of upcoming opportunities.
  • Diversity the network among large financial institutions and independent private equity firms/funds.
  • Establish networks for gaining access to potential secondary opportunities.


  • Candidates should have 7-10 years of investment portfolio management/security analysis experience with 3-5 years being in the private equity/venture field.
  • Knowledge with the range of private equity and private debt investment options.
  • Familiarity with leading managers and fund structures.
  • Understanding of compliance protocols and key regulatory issues.
  • Knowledge of accounting treatment and valuation principles.
  • Some foundation in manager search, selection and monitoring.
  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance or economics.
  • An MBA or CFA is a plus.
  • Strong quantitative and analytical skills.
Job Type
Investment Analyst/Advisor
New Jersey/NYC Family Office
How to apply

Please communicate your interest to Howard M. Weiss at the Private Bank of Bank of America. He is coordinating the process of identifying candidates. His contact numbers are:


Phone: 239-571-6716


NYC area,