Investment Officer

Seeks an investment officer with seven to fifteen years of experience and excellent people skills to provide investment expertise to a book of client relationships. S/he is expected to have a command of investment precepts and be able to apply them to account portfolios through   the use of proprietary investment strategies, manager-of-manager investment strategies and, at times, through the selection of individual securities. The professional must demonstrate competitive investment returns as guided by and   adhering to departmental work over such things as asset allocation, fundamental and tactical analysis and manager- of-manager strategies.


It is expected that the professional possesses a savvy and self-assured demeanor, humbly expressed. This position requires a self-starter and good communicator who can advance the interests of employees, clients, portfolios and the Company as a whole, but one who also enjoys and understands the analytical   aspects of investment work. The professional must be Humble, Hungry and Smart.

Job Type
Financial/Wealth Planner
Investment Analyst/Advisor
Relationship Manager
Trust Company Family Offices
How to apply

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Toledo, OH