Director of Shareholder Affairs/Family Office CEO (DSA)

The Director of Shareholder Affairs/Family Office CEO (DSA) is a key collaborator with the family and the business.  To be successful in this role, he/she must create and nurture trusted relationships with each family member, the CEO and the COB.  A key focus of this role is to ensure that the family and business collaborate in a manner that results in alignment of the family and business strategic goals and objectives.  The DSA is a trusted advisor to the family and the CEO, reporting to the Chairman of the Board.  

The DSA is also a trusted resource for each family member on a personal and individual level. 
Key characteristics of the person for this role:
  • Collaborator
  • Active listener
  • Relationship builder 
  • Being of service mindset
  • Compassionate 
Key Responsibility Areas
Family Governance.   Lead the design and implementation of the family governance system (goals, systems and processes) to achieve the Family’s Strategic Plan objectives and long term vision   
  • Ensure the Family Strategic Plan is current and represents the family’s short and long term goals and objectives 
  • Ensures the family governance system supports the implementation of the Family Strategic Plan 
  • With a deep understanding of the personality of the family and each individual, seeks to build and foster family relationships that help to achieve the Family Strategic Plan 
  • Facilitate/mentor G3 and G4 in the transition of leadership and control both within the Family and in their relationship with Company management 
  • Support participation by the family to ensure all views are represented on Family Council matters
Company-Shareholder Liaison. Fosters collaborative environment between the Company and the Shareholders to that fosters open and honest communication between the CEO, COB and the family in order created a trusted partnership that results in alignment of Family and Company strategic objectives.
  • Actively engaged with the business in a manner that supports creating a collaborative environment with the family, COB and CEO
  • Actively involved with the family and understanding their views and perspectives  in order to know when to engage family members in the business discussions for collaborative input and dialogue 
  • Balances the family and business needs in a manner so everyone feels heard in order to facilitate open and honest conversations between the family and business 
  • Actively communicates with the family to keep them engaged and current on the Company’s business strategy and   operations 
  • Proactively identifies current and potential issues for misalignment between shareholders and the Company and facilitates communication and discussion
  • Partners with family, COB and CEO to help identify, develop and define a role for a family member with the Company,   if desired and/or the relationship (if any) between certain family projects and the Company (i.e. Impact Investing concept)
Family Office Administration and Family Financial Operations.  Lead the Family Office to ensure the Family Office Finance and Operations Manager timely provides the legal, accounting, tax, investment and wealth transfer and management services to the shareholders including those outlined in the attached matrix in the following areas:
Family Financial Services: 
  • Trust Administration
  • Wealth Transfer 
  • Investment Management
  • Family Office Administration
  • Budget and support services 
  • Shareholder Relations
  • Special Projects as requested
  • Meetings – Family Owners Council Meetings, Board Meetings, Shareholder Meetings, Meetings with Trustees and/or family members
Family Culture and Heritage Management. Support, develop and nurture the family culture and preservation of the family heritage.
Provide leadership and support collaborations and celebrations such as:
  • significant employee anniversaries
  • family gatherings
  • Assure coordination for Company-family events (recent examples:  Chair of Board transition,  110 Year Anniversary Celebration)
  • Provide oversight, and coordinate with management to assure preservation of Heritage Assets such as: Fenton Footprint, archives (Winthrop), Fenton/Family  history book, special projects
Family Personal Development.  Act as a trusted advisor, mentor and key confidant to help support the growth and development of individual family members, when requested, in the capacity as a shareholder or as an individual in their personal life.
Provides key support and mentorship when requested to family members in their roles as Owners, Trustees and Beneficiaries to help them achieve the results desired in those roles:
  • Support family members in understanding the roles and the responsibilities related thereto
  • Support family/shareholder education with respect to the Company and governance and the various family roles 
  • As requested, coordinate education of the next generation with respect to the Company, governance and the various family roles 
  • Support each family member in their personal development and growth by being a trusted confident to help each family member share their desires in these areas and helping them find the right resources aligned with their goals 
Family Philanthropy/Impact Investing:
  • Participate as requested in developing and implementing strategies  for Family Philanthropy/Impact Investing
Job Type
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
H.G. Fenton Company
How to apply
Candidates who are interested or have any questions may contact Kaitlin Erickson (Recruiting Manager) at or 619-400-0154.

San Diego, CA