Business Manager/Advisor

Executive couple in Columbus, Ohio seeks a professional to become fully integrated into the couple’s financial and business lives – understanding their estate/trust planning, investment plans, charitable giving, art collection, taxes, daily accounting, insurance and oversight of their residences. 

The ideal professional has significant experience handling the affairs of high net worth individuals; is a smart, solid thinker, exceptional communicator and has the education and prior work experience to be able to contribute to each of the subject areas. CPA and/or MBA preferred, along with a background in law.  Knowledge of HR principles, business management practices and planning of complicated trusts is required.  Excellent salary and benefits package. Send a confidential resume, salary history and letter of interest to:

Job Type
Chief Financial/Operating Officer (CFO/COO)
Private Family
How to apply
Send a confidential resume, salary history and letter of interest to:

Columbus, OH