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10156 results found
Navigating Dating Apps: A Guide to Protecting your Privacy
Publish Date:
Feb 14 2024

With love in the air this Valentine’s Day, there’s no better time to be looking for a partner! The question remains however, where and how do you look and how do you do so safely? In the fast-paced world of dating apps, maintaining privacy is crucial, especially for high net worth singles. Here are some essential tips and practical steps to safe...

From archaic information to AI automation: A blue ocean opportunity for family offices
Publish Date:
Feb 20 2024

There’s no limit to the number of hours a family office can spend mired in PDFs and spreadsheets tracking private investments. Information on private investments is spread out among numerous data providers and fund managers, sometimes numbering in the hundreds. Each source presents data in its unique format, resulting in the tedious task of coll...

Catch-up Contributions - Impacts of the SECURE 2.0 Act
Publish Date:
Feb 21 2024

In December 2022, Congress passed the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022, commonly referred to as the SECURE 2.0 Act. The SECURE 2.0 Act includes a multitude of provisions, many of which affect employer-sponsored retirement plans and individual retirement accounts. In this article, we here at BerryDunn want to specifically focus on changes...