It is clear that affluent women today are involved, aware and knowledgeable about their wealth and wealth management. Indeed, more women are overcoming inherent obstacles and stereotypes by reaching out for additional financial knowledge and engaging experts as well as spouses to aid them in making prudent wealth management decisions.
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While men continue to play a leadership role in their families when it comes to wealth management planning and decision-making, a growing number are inclined to discuss the family wealth and wealth transfer intentions with not only their spouses but also their heirs. Research indicates wealth-related decision-making is now a shared responsibility i...
The time to consider the reinvestment risk of selling a family business is before, not after, the sale. A reinvention plan can help by taking into consideration the remaining ties to the business, estate and tax planning issues related to the sale, and personal reinvention for family members as they continue on without the business.
While it is true that having money can create great opportunities, it can make some people feel awkward and harbor deep feelings of regret and shame. Those feelings can dramatically influence wealth management decisions, affecting both the inheritors and wealth creators. When issues surrounding wealth as a burden go unrecognized, they can be magnif...
No Lapse Guarantee (NLG) policies, or policies with NLG riders are attractive to some insureds. The premise behind these policies is that as long as the premium is paid on time each year, the death benefit is guaranteed. Thus, many insureds, advisors, and trustees are under the impression that these policies do not require ongoing review. This is a...
The sale of a business can be one of the most significant events for families of wealth. Often, family members have devoted substantial time and resources to building a successful enterprise.While the sale of the business may be viewed as the successful culmination of years of work, it may also cause concern for the owner, who feels there is not en...
In this edition of Market Insights, Glenmede provides an in-depth look at recent U.S. employment numbers and highlights the following:The post-recession employment recovery has been weak.The unemployment rate is falling, having reached 6.6 percent from a 2009 high of 10 percent.The declining labor force is the result of a natural evolution in demog...
In this Investment Strategy Update: A View From the Top Down, Atlantic Trust expands on the following:2014 has certainly met their expectation of “less return, more volatility” compared with last year.After a weak January, a strong February and a trendless March, the stock market is oscillating around a flat return so far this year.After a dismal 2...
As the family office sector evolves fund structures are becoming increasingly relevant and beneficial to manage the assets within the family. Many of the usual considerations for fund managers are equally valid for family offices.This article describes the several potential fund structures that:Provide a recognised and well established legal framew...
On 18 March, the Russian Ministry of Finance published a draft law on anti-offshore measures (the Draft). This article by Withers LLP provides a thoughtful review of the Draft, which introduces three concepts:Controlled foreign companies rules (CFC)Russian tax residence for foreign companies based on tests of management and controlNew rules on taxa...
In this 2013 study, Northern Trust examines how institutional investors might be using alternative indexes in their portfolios. With the increased focus on risk management and the growing demand for low-cost, transparent strategies, they wondered whether making an allocation to alternative indexes might be the new active decision in beta management...
In the second quarter 2014 issue of Rockefeller & Co.’s Global Foresight, entitled “Mapping Out the Future,” David P. Harris, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, and Jimmy C. Chang, CFA, Chief Equity Strategist, take a closer look at potential opportunities within the generally-struggling emerging markets and contrast them to the developed markets. ...
Four investment “styles” – Value, Momentum, Carry, and Defensive – have emerged as compelling sources of alternative returns, backed by economic theory and decades of data across geographies and asset groups. When applied as long-short strategies, these styles have delivered positive long-term returns across multiple asset g...
Following an unusually frigid winter, the weather has borne the brunt of blame for weakened economic statistics. While anecdotal evidence is overwhelming, identifying and quantifying the effects of the weather on economic data is difficult. In this white paper, Glenmede argues that the slowing economic growth of recent months reflects fundamental c...
This edition of Altair Insight, a quarterly market review from Altair Advisers, explores the following key topics:The bull market has lost momentum but likely still has some oomph left.International opportunities are brightening and the author is poised to take advantage this quarter.Persistently low inflation is dictating central banks’ policies ...