Whether a grantor is struggling with ensuring that a trust fulfills the intentions for which it was established or simply wants to sleep better at night knowing the trust assets will be managed and monitored effectively, the directed trust statute provides the flexibility and incentives needed to improve the long-term outcome.
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If a family wants to increase its economic capital, it must work on its human capital – its emotional, social and intellectual competencies. Although it may be challenging to keep economics from dominating emotional life and vice versa, sharing assets can provide an opportunity to develop family members who are financially and organizationall...
As the deleveraging process unfolds, areas of particular interest for distressed funds exist not only in failed banks but also banks that will dispose of bad assets during the next several years. Distressed debt is not for the faint of heart. The intellect involved in mapping out such investment strategies takes a highly creative team of top pedigr...
This whitepaper examines the evolution and function of currency markets and examines the impact of currency risk on international asset portfolios. It goes on to explore how currency risk can be managed and describes currency solutions available to institutional investors.
While the greatest tragedy is the loss of life, disasters also cause major financial damage, often leading to the temporary shutdown of companies or even putting them out of business. Preparing for the possibility of disasters is especially critical for small and mid-size companies that may not have the financial resources to recover from a devasta...
Whether traveling for business or pleasure, wealthy individuals need to think through everything from managing petty theft and lost passports to accessing medical care in a remote location. This white paper provides guidance on proper planning, including a checklist of safety tips to reduce the likelihood of becoming a crime victim while away from ...
Examine how to select the best insurer for a private art collection in order that it may be preserved and protected for future generations. This paper delves into the causes of some of the most expensive art claims paid out to collectors and how families can take a more pro-active role in reducing the risk of loss and ...
This paper offers a look at the monumental changes occurring in energy, both domestically and worldwide, and the exploitation of new energy sources and their impact on the environment.
Most investors have heard of the increasingly popular term “impact investing” but they may not be fully familiar with its meaning. This paper will define impact investing and some related terms, explore the history of this type of investing, discuss why it is important now and explore how it can be implemented in portfolios for interest...
In this edition of Eton Advisor’s quarterly Investment Outlook, they conclude a series on goals-based investing with a discussion of integrative wealth management, where synergies are created by the marriage of wealth structuring, investment consulting, and ongoing implementation & execution. Without all three of these components wor...
In the early 1940s, war-driven deficit spending and loose monetary policy lifted the economy out of the Depression. One of the most interesting economic aspects of this period was that growth continued despite a massive withdrawal of fiscal stimulus in 1945 and 1946. Using today’s terminology, the sizeable reduction in gov...
Wealth management and tax planning, done right, require care and a thoughtful approach. Helping you be vigilant in these and all other aspects is the purpose of this guide, which walks you through the key concepts and approaches pertaining to tax planning, investing, charitable giving, estate and gift planning, business succession, family meetings,...
Donors take care in planning their charitable giving over a number of years. As those plans unfold, however, natural disasters or tragic events can become an unexpected priority for giving. Ensuring that contributions provide the support intended by donors is not as straightforward as it may seem. Knowing the pitfalls that dot the landscape of...
A frank discussion of a variety of outcomes and their potential investment and economic implications that can help identify areas of opportunity and greatest risk.
Emerging economies have recently experienced decelerating growth, leading some to question if structural conditions have changed for the worse. Growth deceleration partially reflects the natural transition from an export-driven economy to a higher-quality consumer-driven growth model. Concerns about emerging market equities have...