Britons voted to exit the European Union on June 23, marking the first time any country has left since its formation. The political consequences for Britain’s Prime Minister were swift, and people around the globe reacted with shock and confusion. The economic and investment impact of this decision led to a rising U.S. dollar and falling GDP ...
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After the United Kingdom (UK) voted to leave the European Union (EU), the global markets shifted to a “risk-off,” with global stocks, the British pound, and the euro all declining while the U.S. dollar, gold, and high-quality U.S. bonds rallied. The market decline reflects the surprising nature of the vote, since many market watchers ex...
The UK has voted to leave the European Union after 40 years of membership, defying the expectations of most market participants and ignoring the warnings from the International Monetary Fund and other leading economists regarding the negative impacts on trade. Market reaction was swift, with the pound falling to a 30-year lows and a “risk-off...
The Brexit vote—the United Kingdom voters’ decision to exit the European Union—has unleashed political, economic, and financial uncertainty that will play out over the months ahead for affected currencies, equity, and fixed income markets, sectors, and individual firms. Immediately after the vote, market values for banks, insuranc...
The United Kingdom’s (UK) voluntary exit from the European Union (EU) is unprecedented—and with it comes more questions than answers about how it will affect business entities in the UK and beyond. Economists anticipate at least several years of uncertainty, which typically does not bode well for financial markets. U.S. companies that s...
What has been called a “soft revolution” in the UK may also be thought of as the “revenge of the 99%.” The final implications of the decision to leave the EU will not unfold for many years, but some of the initial economic and market impacts are becoming evident. Interestingly, one “winner” in this scenario may b...
The outcome of the United Kingdom’s referendum to leave the European Union has stunned forecasters and market participants. The market responded in dramatic fashion to the news, triggering economic repercussions where the Euro fell against the U.S. Dollar from 2 percent to 8.5 percent. Meanwhile, safe haven bond markets rallied up to 25 basis...
NEPC's Christopher Levell, ASA, CFA, CAIA, Partner, hosted a webinar discussion on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 on the effects of the United Kingdom’s referendum to leave the European Union. The UK’s vote is an unprecedented event that has major implications for global markets both in the short and long term. To provide additional persp...
In a historic referendum, Great Britain voted to leave the European Union, and the “Brexit” impact on the global markets was immediate—evidenced by market movements where the British Pound, the Euro, European equities, and UK equities were hit hardest. The next steps for Brexit will take some time, and political risks will increas...
Atlantic Trust CIO David L. Donabedian, CFA, and Head of Fixed Income Gary E. Pzegeo, CFA, hosted a live webinar in which they analyzed fallout from the Brexit vote and assessed:The economic outlook in Europe and the U.S.The impact on equity and credit market fundamentalsWhat central banks will doWhether other nations will leave the EUThe Portfolio...
The United Kingdom’s “Brexit” vote to leave the European Union (EU) triggered a heightened level of market volatility that had several implications for stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities. The vote will lead to long-lasting negotiations between the British government and the EU, and periods of geopolitical, economic and glo...
Once an investor decides to allocate to metals, questions often arise concerning “How do I buy gold and what are the best practices around ownership?” Several steps will lead to an informed decision and illuminate how best to tailor a strategy to meet your needs and protect your wealth.
On a timely visit to London following the United Kingdom's vote to exit the European Union, the Pitcairn team had the opportunity to interview Wigmore Association partner, Marc Hendriks, Chief Investment Officer of Sandaire Investment Officer about what Brexit could mean to global investors. Marc provided thoughts on the following:The short- an...
At the start of a family enterprise journey, there is often a patriarch (or matriarch) who was both an entrepreneur and a leader who overcame uncertainty or adversity to create something very special with the potential to last for many generations. For the families seeking to sustain their legacies, there will come a time for the patriarchs to move...
Like many families, you may be involved in running businesses or other types of investments together with other family members, but is this necessarily the right choice? Should you consider breaking away and creating your own path. The decision on whether to stick together or unbundle collective assets into separate ownership and investment structu...