Families of significant wealth rightfully expect their attorneys, investment professionals and CPAs to be among the best, the brightest and the most effective. It’s time they expect the same from their banker. Banking has lagged the industry in evolution and innovation and is understandably seen as a commodity. The only way banking can be see...
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Over the past several years, investors have experienced a challenging investment environment. We believe a key element in building a sustainable investment strategy is to “invest with purpose” and the first step in doing so is to understand exactly what each investor is trying to achieve with their wealth. This paper highlights and delv...
We’re in the early stages of what stands to be an extended business cycle. We’re calling the cycle the era of innovation, and it has some definite characteristics. We’re seeing aggressive technological advancement, a manufacturing renaissance, easier access to liquidity and cash-rich entities spanning the globe, supply-demand mism...
In this paper, consequences of globalization are examined. Workers from the US are facing a global labor market. Pressure on high-quality tangible assets is continuing to build. People are moving out of subsistence poverty at the fastest rate in history, creating a rapidly growing mass market for affordable tangibles as well as the most sought-afte...
Our neighbor to the south has undergone a transformation of sorts. Mexico is no longer an economic weakling, having become a global player even in the face of the Great Recession and the rise of China, a trade competitor. Mexico’s progress seems not to be garnering the level of investor interest we think it deserves. Why not? Some U.S. ...
In terms of life of life span and medical need, a close look at the underlying numbers reveals a sharp disparity between developed and developing regions; particularly in poorer areas worldwide. Some differences are so stark, in fact, that there is what might be called a global healthcare divide. And for investors it’s a division worth unders...
Creating a well-diversified portfolio of stocks or bonds (or whatever financial assets or vehicles seem appealing and fit a client’s profile) is certainly a viable option and one that may dampen volatility and could prevent any one bad idea from having an outsized impact on a portfolio. Alas, this decision is not without tradeoffs. Diver...
Business brokerage services are critically important to the liquidity of small business ownership, business growth, and related jobs preservation and creation. Baby boomers are faced with the prospects of either selling or closing their businesses to retire. Small business owners need and rely upon the professional services of merger and acquisitio...
This study describes both short-term and long-term expectations for population growth and trends, and the impact these macro-factors will have on the global economy and the resulting investment implications.
The Internal Revenue Service has issued long-anticipated final Treasury Regulations delineating which expenses of an estate or a non-grantor trust are not subject to the 2% floor on miscellaneous itemized deductions. The final Regulations contain no surprises and no major victories for taxpayers, as they differ little from the revise...
It is easy to understand why the American underclass has almost insurmountable obstacles to living the American Dream. What may not be so obvious is how difficult it may be for the wealth inheritor to live the American Dream.
Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting midmarket companies and startups in hopes of easy access. The cost to a business can be high, ranging from financial loss to reputational damage. With heightened awareness, private companies can fight back. This white paper includes six defense tactics every company should emp...
In recent years, impact investing has captured the attention of leaders in finance, philanthropy, business, and government seeking innovative ways to help solve some of society’s most pressing issues. It harnesses the efficiency and discipline of private capital markets to address the root causes o...
The dollar is worth significantly more now than a few months ago. Relative to the currencies of major trading partners, the dollar has surged nearly 6 percent since summer. As a result, investors are beginning to worry about the related impact on corporations, as well as the initial and downstream implications for the global eco...
The start of the 21st century saw the emergence of a global industry of family office and family wealth practitioners. Undoubtedly, this industry existed in previous centuries, but never on the global scale of recent times. The findings from this research show that families are learning from the best practices identifi...