During COVID-19 it’s important that successful individuals and families know what their current day risks are and how they can be protected. In breaking down some of those risks—from preserving million-dollar art collections to mitigating cyber attacks and reviewing your insurance plan—you can implement a plan that adjusts to...
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Despite the challenging environment of COVID-19 and social unrest, having a sound framework can empower you to make wise financial wealth decisions. Good financial health does not keep markets from going down or being volatile, but it does allow portfolios to weather those storms without suffering lasting harm. The key is maintaining proper perspec...
Dealing with COVID-19 remains an uphill slog. However, markets have demonstrated a mixture of confidence and belief. But a V-shaped recovery is not expected. For an investor, this means being realistic about return expectations while being aware of the long-term issues underpinning markets. Inside this report we look at the economic outlook as glob...
Getting divorced is not only a highly emotional, it can also be complicated and challenging. Depending on your life stage, your family situation, and your life priorities, there will be different financial considerations. Whether you are financially savvy or have little experience in handling your finances, you will benefit from working through you...
Staying informed on the latest legal case filing developments involving COVID-19 can help businesses make better, strategic business decisions during these challenging times. Through an in-depth research and analysis of case trends—including tracking cases filed in 2,613 state and 148 federal courts from March 1, 2020 to August 16, 2020&...
Will the Vatican’s “clean and renewable” energy announcement impact fossil fuel investors? Learn more about the changes to Catholic investing, including how the three priniciples of doing no harm, active corporation participation, and positive strategies can address the market realities.
There is a growing realization among impact investors and those who seek to influence society that they can use more of their assets to complement and even accelerate their social impact goals. This guide provides the tools to develop and execute a tailored impact investing strategy. It offers an objective, agenda-free resource that will inspire re...
As organizations move to a more remote workforce, automating the on-boarding and off-boarding process to a zero-touch deployment is more important than ever. New policies and procedures need to be established as interaction between organizations and their employees change in a post-COVID world. In this webcast, the BPM team discusses considerations...
Managing your business and personal strategies can present several financial, managerial, and emotional complications during a time of uncertainty. No doubt the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest are challenging the normal operating model and creating struggles. To help business owners tackle the issues they may be most concerned about, three 10-m...
There is an increasing desire among families to work together to use their resources to solve social challenges. And while a variety of challenges can compromise the work, successful intergenerational giving strategies can foster an ongoing tradition of giving, make an impact on issues the family cares about, and deepen family relationships. In thi...
With the growing popularity of market-based or market-inspired solutions to addressing some of society’s biggest problems, philanthropy and private equity are no longer distant worlds. Today, the idea of venture philanthropy has become more widespread. How can donors—who are feeling the urgency of positive impatience—take a ventur...
Can investors capture market returns and harvest tax losses amid periods of high volatility? Find out how the markets in 2020 and in 2008 provide guidance for beneficial tax management during a crisis.
For families holding illiquid assets, anticipatory pre-liquidity planning can greatly improve asset protection, wealth transfer, and tax outcomes. Using Wyoming entities, a review of pre-liquidity planning strategies is provided with a snapshot on the state’s modern trust statues, asset protection laws, and tax laws. Families soon discover Wy...
The tax stakes are substantially higher in Massachusetts for the residents than they are for nonresidents. However, with the latest court ruling, Massachusetts estate tax can now apply to out-of-state trusts. The implications are significant, and they are a reminder that the Commonwealth takes an expansive view of its taxing authority in situations...
Existing tax laws, the CARES Act, and election year uncertainty make it wise to be generous now in support of extraordinary needs. Learn tax-smart giving strategies and why you shouldn't wait until the end of the year to have charitable conversations.