Seizing the Timely Opportunities in the Bond Markets with Wesly Pate
Publish Date: Thursday, Feb 22, 2024
Today, I am pleased to welcome Wesly Pate, Senior Portfolio Manager at Income Research + Management (IR+M), a bond management firm specializing in US fixed income for both institutional and private wealth clients. In his role, Wesly is focused on portfolio construction, sector analysis, and contributing to the investment decision-making process, and works closely with IR+M’s wealth management team and family office clients.
Wesly starts by sharing his views on the macroeconomic context in which we find ourselves today. IR+M specializes in fixed-income instruments (bonds in particular), and we find ourselves in a relatively high-interest environment for the first time in decades. Wesly talks about how and why bonds are performing strongly or positioned to add value to investors’ portfolios right now. He then looks at the current macro environment from the perspective of family enterprises and family offices.
IR+M is itself a family-owned, multigenerational business, so Wesly and the firm leadership are no strangers to the needs, priorities, and investment mindset of family enterprises. Wesly shares hid views on the opportunities, ideas, and actions family offices and family enterprise CIOs should be considering in today’s environment.
Wesly then offers some practical tools and tips for family offices, active investors, and family enterprise CIOs, highlighting some great analytical tools and methods, such as breakeven analyses and studying changes in relevant value and suggesting how family offices should be thinking about them and utilizing them.
Finally, Wesly provides his insights into what he sees families and family offices are currently doing with fixed income and bonds in their portfolios and offers some suggestions on the investment strategies they should be considering or activating in the current context.
Please enjoy this timely and instructive conversation with a deep expert in an asset class that has renewed relevance and potential impact on family investment portfolios today.