Generating Engagement Among Teenage Family Members with Amber Slattery
Publish Date: Wednesday, Dec 27, 2023
Today, I am excited to speak with Amber Slattery, a director at a single-family office based in Paris, France. Amber is also a next-gen education coach, working directly with clients in their teens and early-20s, and creating custom programming based on their individual interests and needs. In addition, she serves as a programming consultant to Bounce10, a financial parenting platform, founded by Joline Godfrey, focusing on next-gen education for children ages 4-10.
Amber offers her thoughts on the misconceptions or gaps of understanding among UHNW families about preparing and engaging their children to be good owners and family enterprise members. In her work in the realm of rising-gen learning and engagement, Amber often sees clients, especially parents, come to her and other advisors looking for “next-gen education” and not actually knowing what they need or even mean by that. Amber specializes in working with 14-20-year-old clients – an age group that many UHNW principals are not very focused on or don’t know how to deal with. She shares her insights into the unique challenges and opportunities associated with engaging and educating teenage and college-age rising gens.
Amber shares a practical framework she has developed working with 14-20-year-old rising-gen members she refers to as the “6 Key Findings” – a useful tool to inform and structure the work with younger family members in this age bracket. She also makes use of well-thought-out, thought-provoking questionnaires, both for the parents and for their children, to generate the right conversations, get on the same page about the process, and spur the right level of thinking, and ultimately, engagement. Amber offers a peek into her approach to orientation questionnaires and the “12 Key Questions” she asks to encourage engagement with teenage or emerging adult clients.
Enjoy the numerous practical tools and suggestions Amber Slattery shares in this instructive conversation.