Fostering a Strong Culture to Achieve Lasting Family Unity with Matt Wesley
Publish Date: Thursday, Jul 25, 2024
This week, I am delighted to welcome Matt Wesley, Principal at the Lovins Group. Matt is an internationally recognized practitioner, thought leader, and speaker on the issues facing financially successful families. With a career that spans 34 years as an estate planning attorney, family advisor, facilitator, and consultant, he helps families address the complex issues of family enterprises, legacy wealth, and collective philanthropy. As a Principal at the Lovins Group, Matt works with some of the most prominent families in the world as they seek to realize the full promise of intergenerational wealth in their individual and collective lives.
In the family wealth space, some advisors approach their clients’ needs from the standpoint of the technical expertise and quantitative, structured solutions that can benefit the family. Others approach their advisory work from the perspective of the qualitative sciences that deal with human behavior, family psychology, and interpersonal dynamics. Matt is a believer in the fundamental importance of culture – or what he has labeled “groupness” – which is not often the point of departure for family advisors. He shares his philosophy and describes how it is different from other approaches and how it creates incremental value for families.
In his work, Matt emphasizes the concept of “forgiveness” as a fundamental prerequisite and event driver of family culture and the collective personality of the family. He explains why forgiveness is important and how it plays into the process of developing and solidifying the family “groupness” or culture.
One powerful culture-building tool Matt recommends for families is stories and storytelling. He talks about why and how stories are important and suggests some practical ways families can put stories to work in their work of planning, preparing, and navigating the family’s multigenerational journey.
Another tool for family unity and togetherness Matt advocates for is family rituals. He shares his views on why rituals and elaborates on what they are and what their function is in the process of building a healthy, vibrant family culture and enduring unity among family members.
This is a must-hear conversation with one of the leading thinkers and practitioners in the family wealth advisory profession who is both technically sophisticated and keenly focused on the family’s long-term purpose and well-being.