Deploying Options Strategies to Unlock Value for Family Portfolios with Dave Donnelly
Publish Date: Thursday, Aug 1, 2024
Today, I am truly pleased to welcome Dave Donnelly, Managing Director, at SpiderRock Advisors, which was recently acquired by BlackRock and is now part of the firm’s US Wealth Advisory business. Dave is responsible for the client-facing business at SpiderRock and, prior to the acquisition, led SpiderRock’s sales organization and national accounts efforts across wealth and institutional client segments. Dave and SpiderRock are Specialist Advisor members of FOX and we are grateful for the unique and valuable expertise they bring to our membership community.
This conversation focuses our attention on options as a powerful tool in the toolbox of actively investing family members and family office CIOs. Dave provides and overview of how options overlay strategies can create value and unlock attractive possibilities for enterprise family portfolios.
We are in a very dynamic and constantly shifting geopolitical, microeconomic, and financial markets environment, and family offices are tasked with balancing a number of, often competing, investment objectives, such as returns, risk, liquidity, and taxes, to name just a few. Dave shares some of the most notable opportunities in the current macro context that options strategies can afford to enterprise families and their family offices.
Dave goes on to suggest several attractive practical tools that family offices can deploy utilizing options strategies, such as a portfolio mapping exercise to manage or swap away various risks or maximizing the tax-deductibility of their borrowing (e.g., margin or LOCs). He describes these strategies in detail and points our listeners to how UHNW investors can activate them.
Dave also offers his insights into the best resources for family members who are active investors and for family office CIOs to get educated and equipped with the right tools to activate these advanced options strategies and take advantage of the great benefits they offer.
Do not miss this technical and educational conversation with one of the market leaders and foremost innovators in the options overlay strategy advisory space.