Emerging Family Enterprise Summit - May 2025 - El Salvador


Tuesday, May 06, 2025 - 08:00am
Wednesday, May 07, 2025 - 02:00pm
Exchange best practices, trends, ideas and case studies to help enterprise families become wiser and more successful over the long run. As such, the program typically includes the following modules:
1-2 Enterprise family case studies
1-2 Sessions on best practices or trends
Several Peer dialogue sessions
Specialized discussion modules focused on topics like Investments, Structuring, FO Technology, NextGen Education
Networking with peers

San Salvador, El Salvador | Emerging Family Enterprise Summit

    The FOX Family Enterprise Summit is composed of family leaders and trusted executives pursuing a long-term view of their family enterprise.   

    The purpose of this summit is to elevate the professional and personal performance of these participants in order to enhance the operation of the broader family enterprise and long-term well-being of the family.  

    This summit works from a FOX developed curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the international market. Meetings include content from the curriculum as well as specific topics and discussions requested by the FOX members. FOX provides the appropriate internal and external resources for lively, fruitful meetings.

    To get more information on the Summit and see attendance options, please contact Ana Yaques at ayaques@familyoffice.com 


    DAY 1

    • 8:30am- 9am – Light Breakfast at Venue
    • 9am-12:00pm – Sessions
    • 12:00pm-1:00pm - Lunch at Venue
    • 1:00pm-5pm - Sessions

    -- Day 1 meeting adjournment and Transport to Social Event Location—

    • 6pm-7:30pm – Social Event 
    • 8pm-10pm – Council Dinner 

    DAY 2 (Half Day)

    • 8:30am- 9am – Light Breakfast at Venue
    • 9am-1:00pm – Sessions
    • 1:00pm-2:00pm - Lunch at Venue

    --Day 2 meeting adjournment --