Executive Council '14 Meeting - September 24-26, 2024 -Nashville, TN Meeting

The FOX Executive Council '14 is comprised of CEOs and senior executives who directly oversee the operation of a complex single family office, pursuing the best practices for families. The purpose of this council is to elevate the professional and personal performance of these executives and therefore enhance the operation of the broader family enterprise and long term well-being of the family.
Each Council works from a FOX developed curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the Council. Meetings include content from the curriculum as well as specific topics and discussions requested by the Council members. FOX provides the appropriate internal and external resources for lively, fruitful meetings.
For information about joining this Council, contact us by email or call 312-327-1249.
The Executive Council will both challenge and inspire you in your work to elevate your professional and personal performance and therefore enhance the operations of the broader family enterprise and long-term well-being of the family.
Who Are Executive Council Members
CEOs and senior executives of the most sophisticated multigenerational family offices pursuing best practices for complex family enterprises. Council members possess a willingness to openly share their time, perspective, and acumen.
The Council Experience
Members enjoy a collaborative environment in which to test ideas, get peer advice, and learn from experts to further their management of the family’s wealth and prepare the family for the future.
Executive Council '04 members: To register for this council meeting, please contact Yanni Snipes at ysnipes@familyoffice.com
For information about joining this Council, contact us by email or call 312-327-1249.
Member Agenda
Holland & Knight
Nashville City Center
511 Union Suite, Suite 2700, Nashville, TN 37219
Meeting Rooms: Dromgoole and Crockett*
(*Meeting meals served in Crockett)
Hotel Accommodations Location:
Fairlane Hotel
401 Union St., Nashville, TN 37219
(*0.1 mile from Holland & Knight offices)
All times listed are CDT
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
8:15 p.m. |
Walk over to The Twelve Thirty Club Restaurant
8:30 p.m. |
Dinner and Music at The Twelve Thirty Club
Wednesday September 25, 2024
9:00 a.m. |
9:30 a.m. |
Welcome and Introductions Gaby Griffin, Managing Director of Council Membership, FOX
10:00 a.m.
The Smokey Hill Capital Family Office Operating Manual Kathy Mitchell, COO, Smoky Hill Capital, Inc. After pondering the suggested idea that each family office should have an operating manual, Kathy settled upon creating a file document that answers these questions - Who is doing what? Where are the documents? What critical family information should be stored and located in one place for efficient administration of the family office? In this session, Kathy will share her work in process of that project. |
11:00 a.m. |
Break |
11:15 a.m. |
Building an Enterprise Family Workshop (Virtual) Kevin Chen, CEO, Blackstone Alliance LLC Kevin was able to attend last week's FOX Enterprise Workshop presented by Sara Hamilton and Margaret Vaughn Cox in Chicago and will be sharing his thoughts around how the workshop and guidebook can help your families build an enterprise to last, as well as the highlights he found most interesting and relevant to engaging families. |
12:00 p.m. |
1:00 p.m.
Show & Tell: The Family Office Service Brochure Join us in a facilitated discussion as your peers share their Family Office Service Brochures. Don't have a service brochure yet or are contemplating creating one? No worries, your input and feedback is valuable to our group discussion. |
2:00 p.m. |
Break |
2:15 p.m. |
Executive Peer Dialogue Facilitated by Gaby Griffin, FOX Council Members will discuss submitted peer questions and top of mind issues. |
5:00 p.m. |
Day 1 Meeting Adjourned |
5:50 p.m. |
Walk over to Church and Union Restaurant
6:00 p.m. |
Council Dinner at Church and Union Restaurant
Thursday, September 26, 2024
8:30 a.m. |
9:00 a.m. |
Welcome Back |
9:15 a.m. |
Building a Healthy Relationship with Money Mindy Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX Our relationship to money is shaped by our past and influenced by emotions, media, and our current financial status. Learn what the research says about money and wealth while reviewing some of the common money personalities displayed by families of wealth. This interactive session will leave you with actionable resources to better understand and work with the various feelings and behaviors around money. Come ready to explore your personal relationship to money through an exercise you can bring back to your client families. |
10:45 a.m. |
PTC Session John Bunge, Partner, Holland & Knight Today there are thousands of PTCs that have been created in the U.S. and the numbers continue to grow. What are the benefits of a PTC and why is it so important? What are some of the challenges? Many of our council members have created PTCs or are considering them especially as the rising generations are not necessarily interested in serving in the trustee role. How do you start the conversation with the family? What is most important to cover? How long does it take to move from implementation to finalizing the process? |
11:30 a.m. |
Break |
11:35 a.m. |
Wrap-Up & Preparations for Future Meetings
12:00 p.m. |
Council Meeting Adjourned |
Council Materials
Electronic Council Meeting Book
Meeting Presentations:
1. Smokey Hill FO Operating Man by Kathy Mitchell
2. Build an Enterprise Family to Last Worksheets
3. Building a Relationship with Money by Mindy Earley
4. PTC Discussion by John Bunge
4a. A Comparison of State PTC Laws Digital (1)_Holland & Knight