2025 Build an Enterprise Family to Last Workshop


Wednesday, Feb 05, 2025 - 10:00am
Friday, Feb 07, 2025 - 03:00pm


Click on the button above or use this link to register for the program. 

If you would like more information, or to let us know you are interested, email us at events@familyoffice.com

Miami, FL
Event Resources

    This workshop offers a roadmap for owners who want to build an enduring Enterprise that is bigger than a single business. It’s time to develop an Enterprise mindset when the family faces complexity created from owning multiple businesses, properties, investments, and/or philanthropies.

    Our comprehensive guidebook offers a structured approach to creating and sustaining an enterprise that thrives across multiple generations. This workshop is for leaders who want to integrate family goals across all enterprise domains using a clear, cohesive planning process. Bring up to four members of your strategic planning team (family leaders, board members, or senior managers) to learn how to develop your roadmap for a lasting enterprise family.

    On day 1, attendees will explore 15 milestones in the Family Journey, generating a shared understanding of the benefits of aligning family interests and goals. Day 2 introduces 18 milestones in the Enterprise Journey, which lead to a shared vision for the future enterprise and the actions needed to implement that vision. Day 3 introduces 15 milestones in the Personal Journey for next generation family members searching for their role in the family and the enterprise.

    Peer groups walk through all three stages of the process together: where you are today, where you want to go, and how you want to get there.

    The Family Journey 

    • How do values and guiding principles impact the family’s future together? 
    • What are sound policies for inclusion and responsible ownership? 
    • How can you develop owners’ skillset for managing or reducing enterprise complexity? 
    • How can you design a learning culture that fosters participation among owners? 
    • How do you design an equitable, objective process for leadership development and selection? 

    The Enterprise Journey

    • What are the benefits of building a multi-generational enterprise? 
    • What opportunities and risks will challenge your enterprise in the future? 
    • How does the family develop a shared vision and goals for the future of the enterprise? 
    • What leadership skills will be needed to support the vision and goals? 
    • How do you design a governance system that supports a complex enterprise? 
    • What metrics should be used to monitor and measure the enterprise’s performance and satisfaction of its owners and stakeholders? 

    The Personal Journey 

    • How knowledgeable are you and others within your generation on the operations of your family’s enterprise? What’s been your involvement to date? 
    • What unique character traits and skills do you have, or are developing, you feel would allow you to best contribute to the family enterprise? 
    • What areas are of the most interest to you? What opportunities can you identify to build knowledge and experience?

    Registering for the Program: 

    Registration for this workshop is exclusively for family members who aspire to run a successful multi-generational enterprise. If you aren’t sure if you want an enterprise model, attending this workshop will help you make that decision.  

    The program will be limited to 30 participants, with no more than 4 attendees from any one family, so register early to ensure attendance. 

    All participants must complete a brief Participant Questionnaire during registration that identifies your goals and then pay a registration fee before January 29th. FOX members receive a 20% discount on program fees and non-FOX-member families are subject to screening by the program directors. 

    For questions or help with registration, please contact your FOX relationship manager or events@familyoffice.com for more information. 



      FOX Members Non-Member
    Individual Attendees $5,300 $6,350
    Multiple attendees from the same organization $4,800 $5,800
    Wednesday, February 5 Thursday, February 6 Friday, February 7
    9:00 Workshop Begins 9:00 Reflections and Insights 9:00 Reflections and Insights
    The Family Journey: The Enterprise Journey: The Personal Journey:

    Where We’ve Been and Where We Are Today
    - Map family history 
    - Assess current culture 
      and behaviors 
    - Identify core values and 
      responsible ownership 

    Where We Want to Go 

    - Align family interests 
    - Assess readiness for  
    - Build a learning culture 

    Where We’ve Been and Where We Are Today 

    - Review benefits of current 
    - Assess identity and impact 
    - Investigate opportunities  
      and risks 

    Where We Want to Go 

    - Develop future scenarios 
    - Articulate a shared vision 
    - Identify leadership skills  
      and a succession process

    - Develop a Personal  
      Journey Map to identify  
      personal goals  
    - Inventory personal 
       skills and interests 
    - Review unique challenges 
      for future Enterprise leaders 
      and identify personal desired 
      roles and engagement levels  
    - Create opportunities    
       to demonstrate   
       leadership skills 


    How We Plan to Get There 

    - Identify trusted decision- 
      making process 
    - Design leadership  
      selection policies 
    - Offer opportunities for  

    How We Plan to Get There 

    - Design efficient  
      governance framework 
    - Develop process to assess 
      and mitigate risks 
    - Develop a written  
      Enterprise Charter to 
      document goals and agreements  

    12:30 Workshop Adjourns
    5:00 Workshop Adjourns 5:00 Workshop Adjourns  
    6:30 Peer Group Reception & Dinner    

    Sara Hamilton
    Sara Hamilton
    Founder and Board Chair​

    Sara is one of the first professionals to recognize family offices as the most sophisticated segment of wealth management, and she has been described as “the Warren Buffet of the family office industry”. When hundreds of U.S. families became centi-millionaires through leveraged buyouts in the 1980s and 1990s, private family offices were created to manage family capital and to educate wealth owners.

    Sara founded the Family Office Exchange (FOX) as a peer network for family office executives in 1989. Within 10 years, she could see that families needed help with family governance and managing financial transitions, in addition to their family offices. As a result, FOX evolved into an advisor to family enterprises, a platform for sharing family wealth best practices, and an industry advocate for the importance of private enterprise in a global economy.​

    Today, Sara provides input to the strategic direction for FOX and supports the development of new programs and services for family enterprises and wealth advisory firms in 25 countries. Sara is the co-author of Family Legacy and Leadership: Preserving True Family Wealth in Challenging Times. She serves on the executive education faculty of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business where she is an adjunct faculty member for their Private Wealth Management and Essentials of Wealth courses in the Executive Education program. She is on the founding board for the Foundation Advancing Impact and Sustainability in Bologna and the founding board for the Private Directors Association in Chicago.​

    Margaret Vaughan Cox
    Margaret Vaughan Cox
    Founder and President, MCV Consulting

    Margaret Vaughan Cox is president of MCV Consulting, a consultancy dedicated to helping families and their enterprises thrive across generations. She is sought out by sophisticated and high-profile wealth owners to help them thoughtfully plan for and navigate complex generational transitions. Margaret works with families to establish shared vision and goals for their enterprise, create and evolve effective governance and decision-making structures, develop and implement succession plans, and nurture the valuable capital that enriches the family beyond their financial assets. She builds enduring relationships with her clients, often serving as a trusted advisor to multiple generations within the same family over the course of many years. She is routinely referred to families and family office executives by wealth advisors, estate planning attorneys, and other key advisors who recognize there are important conversations and alignments the family must achieve before efforts on other fronts will be successful. With over 25 years of experience in her field, Margaret’s work has taken her throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia, South Africa, and the Middle East. 

    Prior to forming MCV Consulting in 2002, Margaret served as a principal at Generon Consulting (now Reos Partners and Generon International) in Boston where she honed her skills as a strategy consultant and became an experienced scenario planner with a diverse international client base of corporations, nonprofits, governments, and NGOs. After founding MCV Consulting, Margaret applied the methodology of scenario planning to helping families contemplate alternate futures for their enterprise and identify a sense of shared purpose and compelling vision for the future. Margaret is a popular speaker on generational transitions and has served as a senior member of the Chicago-based Family Office Exchange (FOX) consulting team for the past 15 years.    

    Margaret earned her BA in English Literature and MBA from Vanderbilt University. She received certification in the facilitation of scenario planning through the Global Business Network (GBN) in Amsterdam, is a graduate of the Society for Organizational Learning’s Foundations for Leadership program in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is a Birkman® certified coach. Additionally, Margaret is a graduate of the American Works of Art Masters Program at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in New York City. 

    Margaret currently serves on the board of the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, the board of the Houston Advanced Research Center for Sustainability Science, the advisory council of The James Lawson Institute for the Research and Study of Nonviolent Movements at Vanderbilt University, and the governing council of The Shepherd School of Music at Rice University.  She is a member of the International Women’s Forum and a director emeritus of The Texas Lyceum, a select group of 96 leaders from across the state of Texas.  

    Margaret and her husband, Jonathan, have three children and live in Houston, Texas.

    Our Miami, FL event venue will be announced shortly, please stay tuned for updates.


    Successful business-owning families grow and evolve over the years to become Enterprise Families as they become more complex. 

    An Enterprise Family is defined by the shared ownership and collective interests of a given family, and their goals and priorities are often diverse. The Enterprise may involve operating businesses, entrepreneurial ventures, philanthropic endeavors, valued properties and collectibles, and t family office which manages the financial assets for family members. 

    As multi-generational families expand and become more complicated, there is often a strong desire to better organize their affairs in order to preserve both the family and the enterprise.  

    The Enterprise represents the sum of all the parts that a family collectively owns and manages together. Managing the complexity of these various parts of the Enterprise can be very challenging, but the rewards are also significant. 


    Who is encouraged to attend this program?

    Families who are exploring the enterprise model and families who already recognize they are enterprise families.   Family groups of up to four are encouraged to register to participate together. The program will be limited to 30 participants, with no more than 4 attendees from any one family.

    Will there be peer discussions among the participants?

    This workshop is designed for active discussion between peer and families to maximize your experiential learning.

    Are there follow-up materials to continue our journey?

    As part of your participation in the Workshop, you will have access to a handbook, examples of family case studies, and a series of planning template to continue your journey.

    What is an “Enterprise Family” 

    An Enterprise Family is defined by the shared ownership and collective interests of a given family, and their goals and priorities are often diverse. The Enterprise may involve operating businesses, entrepreneurial ventures, philanthropic endeavors, valued properties and collectibles, and t family office which manages the financial assets for family members. 

    What is your refund policy?

    For event registrations, refunds of payment will be offered if the cancellation is made in writing to Family Office Exchange at events@familyoffice.com prior to the start of the event. For more information regarding administrative policies please contact FOX office at: 312.327.1200.

    What is the dress code?

    Business casual attire is suggested.

    Where is the program taking place?

    The program will be held in Miami, FL. Venue and accommodation arrangements will soon be announced.