2024 FOX Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum


Monday, Jul 15, 2024 - 12:00pm
Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024 - 01:00pm


If you would like to: 

  • register with an event credit 

  • register another member of your organization 

  • or are having trouble registering  

please contact us at events@familyoffice.com 

Chicago, IL and Virtual
Event Resources

    FOX’s Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum will bring together family office executives and advisors in the UHNW industry to discuss the most critical challenges and opportunities impacting professionals in family offices and wealth advisory firms, and the families they serve. From operational themes such as insurance, governance, or tax and estate planning, to navigating talent and transition challenges, attendees will walk away with tangible ideas for enhancing your work. For a portion of this forum, two tracks will be created: one which focuses on family office executive related content and one focused on advisor member firms programming.  FOX’s Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum tends to be FOX’s most technical of the three FOX Forum’s and is built for the practitioners.   

    “Highly timely topics and excellent speakers discussing how to be better professionals in supporting our families, clients, and teams.” – Previous Forum Attendee 

    Who Should Attend

    Registration for this event is for family office and advisor members of FOX. Family members interested in the operational elements of the family office are welcomed. 

    Visit the Emerging Leaders tab to learn more about our new program for rising leaders in the community who may attend the Forum on a complimentary basis. Participants in the Emerging Leaders program must be registered by July 8. 

    Please note qualified non-member prospects may attend this event. Please contact FOX for more information.  

    Registering for the Program

    Please note that FOX Member forum credits or a registration fee are required to attend in-person or virtually. Additional discounts are available for multiple members of your family or firm to attend in-person.   

    Participation in the Emerging Leaders program, which includes Forum attendance, is complimentary. Registration for the Emerging Leaders Program closes on July 8.  Please contact your relationship manager or events@familyoffice.com for more information. 

    If you are having trouble registering, contact us at events@familyoffice.com  




      FOX Members
    (Accepts Credits)
    Individual Attendees $3,650 $4,550
    Multiple attendees from the same organization $3,300 $4,100
    Virtual Rate $495 $895

    Monday, July 15

    11:10 am

    Developing the Family Advisor: A Learning Session to Explore FOX's Family Advisor Training Program

    Come to explore the program and engage with advisors who've already attended to hear their perspectives and impact. 

    FOX has recently designed and launched a dynamic, transformative training program focused on developing qualitative skills for advisors and family office leaders. This learning session will explore core curricular topics like family dynamics, emotional intelligence, and coaching skills. Whether you are a seasoned professional or aspire to lead complex family client engagements, this session will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the interpersonal complexities of family-owned businesses and enterprises. 

    Jeff Strese, Family Learning & Leadership Consultant

    12:00 pm 

    Community Welcome Luncheons

    Family and Single Family Office Luncheon

    Advisors, Specialists and Multi-Family Office Luncheon

    1:30 pm

    Welcome to the Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum

    Scott Muench, Managing Director, Membership, FOX
    Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX

    2:00 pm

    Unlocking the Value of Time Capital

    FOX has recently taken a closer look at the various types of capital available to families and the offices that serve them. One category of capital not yet discussed at our forums is TIME CAPITAL. Most of us would agree, given the limited nature of time, it is essential to allocate, invest, spend, and cherish the time we have. 

    Time, as we experience it, is not linear, yet why do we pretend that it is? Time speeds up, slows down, and it stops. The ancient Greeks recognized the difference in experiential time, called kairos, and chronological time, or chronos. When you invest your time based on the memories created by your experiences, the value of an increment of time is not related to its duration.  John will explain the mechanics of how the brain “constructs” time out of memories, and use his Design Thinking expertise to reveal how to create experiences – for yourself, family and loved ones - to maximize memory creation and recall.  Designing your life this way allows you to slow down time so that summers “last forever” and life can seem nearly infinite. That is what time mastery is… This is also relevant in business: for clients and customers – when you design interactions to become the first recall, you also become the first call.

    John K. Coyle, Design Thinking Expert, Olympic Medalist, and Emmy Award Winner  

    1.50 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    3:30 pm


    4:00 pm

    The Human Factor of AI: Preparing Your Organization for Positive Disruption

    How can emerging AI programs and workplace tools create opportunities for progress and growth without creating a culture of fear and avoidance within your organization? We’ll begin the session with a moderated interview featuring industry expert Alex Wissner-Gross, laying the groundwork for understanding AI’s influence on family enterprises. This sets the stage for an interactive leadership development session facilitated by FOX’s Kent Lawson and Jeff Strese. Drawing from their collective experience, they will impart essential principles of change leadership and human capital strategies aimed at equipping family offices and wealth advisory organizations to navigate positive disruption.

    Dr. Alexander D. Wissner-Gross, Founder and CEO, Reified

    Kent Lawson, Chief Technology Officer, FOX
    Jeff Strese, Family Learning & Leadership Consultant, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    5:00 pm Day 1 Closing Remarks
    5:05 pm

    Forum Sponsor Reception Sponsored by Berry Dunn

    6:30 pm Day 1 Concludes

    Tuesday, July 16

    8:00 am - 9:00 am


    Discuss important topics within the family office industry over breakfast with peers. Meet with FOX’s Executive Team to talk about relevant timely topics, membership benefits, and any pressing inquiries you would like to address.

    8:15 am - 8:45 am

    Breakfast Technology Demonstrations

    Join our participating technology providers for demonstrative presentations on their products and services.

    9:00 am

    Trends that are Transforming Management of Family Wealth

    A convergence of mega trends are transforming the way we think about and manage family wealth. FOX will share it’s perspective and latest research on what is rapidly becoming a new age of family wealth management.

    David Toth, President, Membership, FOX

    9:30 am

    Wealth Transfer Planning: Top of Mind Considerations

    Over the next 18 months, many of us will have extensive planning around two approaching deadlines: the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) reporting slated for December 31, 2024 and the sunsetting of bonus transfer tax exemptions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on December 31, 2025. Hear what family offices and UHNW families are thinking about as they prepare for these deadlines to protect client privacy, utilize available exemptions, and maximize future optionality.

    Kim Kamin, Partner, Chief Wealth Strategist, Gresham Partners LLC
    Barbara Grayson, Partner and Midwest Chair, Private Wealth Group, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

    1.0 CPE | Taxes

    10:30 am Break
    10:45 am

    Building an Integrated Insource/Outsource Family Office

    Cyber, crypto, wealth transfer, rising gen education, wealth/fin tech. As the demands and expectations for UHNW families rise, family office designers and operators can be stretched thin because of the limited capacity and expertise of their staff. The team from Trove will recount their journey creating and overseeing more than 100 unique family offices, from small bill pay programs to dedicated virtual office constructs. Learn from recent engagements and implementations how to design around client risk and opportunity tolerance, and how to balance that risk with cost, control, and available time.

    Amjed M. Saffarini, CEO, Trove

    11:45 am


    1:00 pm

    Family Office and Advisor Peer Dialogues

    FOX Complexity Survey and Discussion– Open to Families and Single Family Office Executives

    Practical discussion on how to leverage FOX’s proprietary survey into your family office’s best practices as a benchmarking tool. 

    Sara Hamilton, Founder, FOX
    Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX

    Mega Trends Shaping Family Office Operations and Technology and What Advisors to Families Need to Know - Open to Advisors, Specialists, and Multi-Family Offices

    2:15 pm Break
    2:30 pm

    Breakout Sessions 

    • Family Advisor Development
      We’ll begin with a brief overview of current research, emerging trends, and our programs designed to support the family advisor’s skill development and career path. We’ll then shift to a facilitated,  interactive session focused on the core competencies and qualitative skills needed for client-facing roles in the single and multi-family office environment.

      Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
      Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX

      1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
    • Human Capital: Insights & Your Questions Answered
      We hope you’ll join this engaging session on a variety of topics related to the human capital of a family office.  The first half of the session will be on trends in the workforce and labor market, from the challenges of a multi-generational team to compensation and family office career paths.  Our second half will be dedicated to fielding audience questions so come prepared to share what’s top of mind for you and we’ll learn our way forward together.

      Cassie Atteberry, Principal / Founder, Talent Outside the Lines

      Moderated by Peter Leo, Director, Human Capital, FOX 

      1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
    3:30 pm Break
    4:00 pm

    Cultivating Future Family Leaders
    Hear one family’s approach to encouraging the rising generation to find their voice in the family enterprise through a collaboration with the family office and outside partners. Learn from a Family Office COO how to design and steward a rising generation program with family input and the support of external consultants. Together, the group will discuss their work with the family over the last 3 years, the elements that worked well, and the foundation for building a successful rising gen program.

    Kim Llumiquinga, Senior Wealth Strategist, TFO Family Office Partners
    Farrah H. Whitworth, Chief Operating Officer, Globe Trust Company, LLC

    Moderated by Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    5:00 pm Day 2 Closing Remarks
    5:15 pm

    Forum Reception and Specialized Advisor Showcase

    This reception, highlighting FOX Specialized Advisors, offers family office executives to experience a distinctive opportunity to engage advisors with specialties tailored to the family office industry and not often featured at larger forums or events. Guests will have the opportunity to connect with each advisor while enjoying cocktails and appetizers. This relaxed environment encourages meaningful conversations that can result in valuable insights and knowledge sharing about unique segments within the family office market.

    7:00 pm End of Day 2 

    Wednesday, July 17

    8:00 am - 9:00 am


    Discuss important topics within the family office industry over breakfast with peers. Meet with FOX’s Executive Team to talk about relevant timely topics, membership benefits, and any pressing inquiries you would like to address.
    8:15 am - 8:45 am

    Breakfast Technology Demonstrations

    Join our participating technology providers for demonstrative presentations on their products and services.
    9:00 am

    Welcome to Day 3

    Scott Muench, Managing Director, Membership, FOX

    9:05 am

    Mid-Year Market & Economic Pulse: After a rip-roaring start, what does the back half hold?

    A year ago, consensus calls were for looming recession and continued Fed cuts. Instead, economic progress has held steady, labor markets are in better balance, AI’s influence is seemingly everywhere, and inflation is edging bumpily toward the Fed’s target of 2%. As we enter the back half of the year how will markets, interest rates, and the economy perform?  Are consumers tapped out? What potential repercussions might arise from divergent Global Central Bank polices? Does the 2024 political cycle hold significance for markets, rates, industrial policy? And importantly, how should family offices invest and allocate capital amidst the current and anticipated global market dynamics?

    Join us for our latest mid-year market updates and investment insights.

    Carol Schleif, CFA, FSA, Chief Investment Officer, BMO Family Office

    Moderated by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Membership, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    9:50 am

    The 5 Principles of Invisible Wealth: a framework for redefining wealth

    The 5 Principles of Invisible Wealth provide a comprehensive framework for redefining wealth. Wealth is more than money. How can we translate this abstract concept into tangible actions? This framework, represented by the five principles of money, health, knowledge, time, and relationships, helps us embrace a holistic interpretation of wealth, inviting richness into the lives of our clients and families.

    Jennifer Wines, Author of Invisible Wealth

    Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    10:50 am Break
    11:10 am

    Forum Closing & Forward-Looking Themes

    Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX

    12:00 pm Forum Adjourns

    John C.John Coyle
    Design Thinking Expert, Olympic Medalist, and Emmy Award Winner

    John K. Coyle is one of the world's leading experts in "Design Thinking” and Innovation, and a highly sought-after speaker. John's presentations are always an audience favorite because he combines the exhilarating stories of a champion athlete with the data and intellect of a professor and best-selling author. 

    John is the founder of Speaking Design Thinking, and a graduate of Stanford University with a degree in Engineering - Product Design (Design Thinking) and Northwestern’s Kellogg Graduate School with an MBA in organizational behavior, marketing and entrepreneurship. A former head of innovation for a Fortune 500 wireless telecom, John has also been the SVP of innovation for a leading strategy consultancy. John is a world class athlete in two sports (cycling and speedskating) and an Olympic silver medalist. In his role as an NBC Olympic Sports analyst, he won an Emmy for production of a film feature. He is a guest lecturer on Innovation at several leading universities (Kellogg, Marquette, CEDIM). John is a five-time TEDx speaker, and an award-winning author of two books, including the best seller: Design For Strengths: Applying Design Thinking to Individual and Team Strengths. John is also a thought leader in the field of “chronoception” - the neuroscience and psychology of how humans process time. 

    As a speaker and writer, John’s special talent is weaving facts, examples and business principles into engaging, accessible stories which bring his topics and frameworks to life. People leave John's programs inspired and empowered to make significant, positive changes in their business and personal lives. 

    Barbara G.Barbara Grayson
    Partner and Midwest Chair, Private Wealth Group, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

    Barbara Grayson is a partner and Midwest Chair of Willkie's Private Wealth Group. She represents high-net-worth individuals and families, family owned businesses, family offices and charitable organizations on a wide range of legal issues related to family owned businesses, private equity investments, proprietary funds, private trust companies, charitable organizations, multigenerational wealth, governance and succession issues, and fiduciary responsibilities. She has extensive estate planning experience, including structuring solutions for transferring wealth to younger generations and succession planning for complex family situations.

    Chambers High Net Worth consistently recognizes Barbara in the Band 1 category among Private Wealth practitioners in Illinois and among the Central Region in the United States. Barbara is a fellow if the American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel (ACTEC) and a member of the Chicago Estate Planning Council. She is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago and serves on the Board of Trustees for Brookfield Zoo Chicago, the Goodman Theater Spotlight Advisory Council, the Lyric Opera of Chicago Planned Giving Advisory Council, and the Women in Law Empowerment Forum National Advisory Board. Barbara is also a member of the Fiduciary Professions Committee of the editorial board of Wealth Management's "Trust & Estates" magazine.

    Kim KKim Kamin
    Partner, Chief Wealth Strategist, Gresham Partners LLC

    Kim Kamin is a partner and the Chief Wealth Strategist at Gresham Partners LLC, an independent wealth management firm currently serving about 120 families nationally as a multi-family office. At Gresham, Kim leads the development and implementation of estate, wealth transfer, philanthropic, educational, and fiduciary planning activities. Previously she was a partner at what is now ArentFox Schiff.

    Kim is an adjunct professor at the Northwestern University Law School and on faculty for the University of Chicago Business School Executive Education. She is on the UHNW Families & Family Offices Committee of the Trusts & Estates Magazine Editorial Advisory Board, has published on a wide variety of topics and is also a frequent lecturer in a variety of venues across the country. She is co-executive editor and co-author for the Leimberg Library Tools & Techniques book, Estate Planning for Modern Families (4th Ed. forthcoming 2024), and has been a contributing author in books, including the recent Wealth of Wisdom: Top Practices for Wealthy Families and Their Advisors.

    Kim is an ACTEC Regent, Past President of the Chicago Estate Planning Council, Planning Chair for ALI-CLE Large Estates, and Estate Planning & Legal Issues Domain Chair for the UHNW Institute.  She serves on the Founders' Committee for The University of Chicago Center of Law and Finance and on advisory boards for multiple local philanthropic organizations.

    Kim received her B.A., with distinction and departmental honors in Psychology, from Stanford University and her J.D. from The University of Chicago Law School. She is an AEP® (Distinguished) and a 21/64 Certified Advisor.

    Kim LKim Llumiquinga
    Senior Wealth Strategist, TFO Family Office Partners

    Kim Llumiquinga is a seasoned Senior Wealth Strategist at TFO Family Office Partners (TFO), a multi-family office firm headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. With over two decades of experience, Kim has dedicated her career to serving high net worth individuals and families. She leads the Family Education, Family Governance, and Philanthropic Consulting Service lines. During her tenure at TFO, Kim also earned her Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) designation, further enriching her proficiency.

    Kim’s journey began when she graduated from Rutgers University with a B.A. in Economics. Initially uncertain about her career path, she seized an opportunity at Arthur Andersen in Phoenix, Arizona, joining the Tax Compliance Services Group. However, she soon realized that interpreting the IRS Code and preparing tax returns wasn’t her forte. Determined to broaden her skill set, she transitioned to the Private Client Services Group, delving into financial and estate planning while gaining exposure to investment advisory services. After her tenure with Arthur Andersen, she contributed her expertise to Inlign Wealth Management which was acquired by GenSpring Family Offices.

    During this time, the world of wealth management began to evolve, so did Kim’s career. Beyond investment performance and wealth accumulation, advisors began to embrace a broader perspective. Wealth had a purpose beyond numbers—instead the importance began to be placed on family shared values and legacy. Kim’s empathetic nature and ability to connect with people made her an ideal fit for the qualitative side of wealth management.

    Kim thrives on collaborating with client families, infusing greater meaning into their wealth by being purposeful and intentional. Whether strengthening family connections, educating rising generation members, or assisting them in maximizing social impact, she relishes the challenges. Her greatest satisfaction comes from witnessing client families engage, collaborate, and work toward shared objectives.

    Outside of professional endeavors, Kim relishes an active and healthy lifestyle. She spends her time diving into true crime mysteries, hosting gatherings with friends, and cherishing precious moments with her family, particularly those heartwarming mother-son interactions. Additionally, she harbors a deep affection for all things Disney. Furthermore, Kim actively contributes to The Phoenix Theatre Company as a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, immersing herself in the vibrant and imaginative world of live theater. (929-2024-04)

    Farrah W.Farrah H. Whitworth
    Chief Operating Officer, Globe Trust Company, LLC

    Farrah joined Globe Corporation and the Getz family office in January, 2003 after the tragic death of Arthur Andersen, LLP. She started as a tax compliance associate, but as the family’s needs evolved, they graciously allowed her role to do the same. Farrah currently serves as the Senior Vice President, Tax Operations of Globe Corporation, and the Chief Operating Officer of Globe Trust Company, LLC, and trusted advisor and mentor to the younger generation of the family.

    Farrah is a Certified Public Accountant. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Arizona, Master of Taxation and Master of Arts in Communication (2024) from Arizona State University.  She is currently considering a degree from Northern Arizona University, just to brag she has one from all three state schools.

    While Farrah is extremely proud of her career and all that she has accomplished at Globe Corporation, she is most proud of her title of Mom to an amazing young man. An Eagle Scout who loves the family pugs, he’s studying Accounting and Finance at WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Rumor has it he’s being recruited as her successor at Globe.

    Jennifer W.Jennifer Wines
    Author of Invisible Wealth

    Jennifer worked at some of the top private wealth management institutions in the world, namely Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Fidelity. She holds a Juris Doctor from Suffolk University Law School in Boston and a Certified Private Wealth Advisor designation from Booth Business School in Chicago. While at Fidelity, she developed a proof of concept and prototype for an enterprise solution, which was advanced into incubation.

    Her strong background with words and numbers, paired with her entrepreneurial spirit, make her a trusted voice on the topic of redefining wealth.

    Recently named one of the Top 100 Women of the Future, Jennifer founded Invisible Wealth, which helps individuals and organizations navigate the changing landscape of wealth. She is also an international speaker. 

    Invisible Wealth, the book, available through all major retailers. Publisher: Wiley.

    “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” – Jonathan Swift

    FOX Presenters



    Swissotel Chicago
    323 East Upper Wacker Drive
    Chicago, IL 60601 

    FOX has reserved a limited number of rooms at the Swissotel at a rate of $275 per night plus applicable taxes. To obtain this discounted rate, please contact the Swissotel directly at 1.888.737.9477 and mention the Family Office Exchange. You may also book rooms online by clicking HERE.

    Forum attendees are responsible for making their own accommodation arrangements. The cutoff date for hotel reservations at this special conference rate (subject to room availability) is June 27, 2024.


    Ren Inc Logo

    We are pleased to introduce the FOX Emerging Leaders Program at the Family Office and Wealth Advisor Forum, exclusively for FOX members.

    Family Office and Advisor FOX Members that register for the in-person program may bring one additional complimentary attendee from their firm or family office to the Forum that fits the following criteria: 

    • Less than five years in the family office/private wealth management space.
    • Less than five years at your office.

    To participate in this program, both the sponsoring registrant and emerging leader must be registered by July 8.

    Pre-Forum FOX Emerging Leaders Program Agenda:

    Sunday, July 14


    7:00 pm Emerging Leaders Dinner (Exclusively for participants in the FOX Emerging Leaders Program)

    Monday, July 15

    8:30 am - 12:00 pm FOX Emerging Leaders Program Sessions
    12:00 pm Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum begins


    The FOX Emerging Leaders program will be hosted by Jeff Strese, Family Learning & Leadership Consultant, and include peer dialogue, qualitative skills development for advisors and FO leaders and opportunities for networking and discussions between peers, followed by Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum.

    For information on how to participate, please contact your relationship manager. 

    Thank you to our 2024 FOX Family Office and Wealth Advisor Forum Partners and Sponsors!


    Executive Partner


    BerryDunn’s Family Office services team has the expertise needed to help your family office navigate accounting, tax, and business issues. Based out of our Boston office, we provide a full suite of services, including outsourced accounting; CFO, controller, and back office services; tax planning and compliance; business valuation; succession planning; IT consulting; and project management. Learn More >


    Classic Partner


    The most important decision you and your family members make is choosing the right life partner. We help you invest wisely in making the right relationship choice that aligns with your values, lifestyle, interests and family values. Whether it is the first time or a new chapter in your life, we are your trusted partners. We provide curated matchmaking, date coaching, and strategic consulting for multigenerational families of wealth. Learn More >


    Resource Partners

    Accordant Global Partners logo Accordant Global Partners (AGP) is a Risk Management advisory firm. We are a global network of risk professionals serving some of the most prominent families, corporations and business leaders in the world. Our Purpose – To ensure the families and organizations under our protection remain resilient to the unique and dynamic global risk landscape... Learn More
    Arch is a New York based technology company that automates data aggregation and operations management for private (alternative) investments. Learn More
    Deviate Consulting logo Deviate Consulting is a professional services firm based in Indianapolis that provides a full suite of accounting and software consulting options for single and multi-family offices. Our software focus includes QuickBooks and multiple investment accounting, portfolio accounting and wealth management platforms prominent in the industry... Learn More
    Eton logo Eton Solutions is a software and services company founded to handle the complexities of servicing ultra-high-net-worth families. Created by family office leaders, Eton Solutions’ flagship product is AtlasFive, an integrated platform with over $425 billion in assets under administration that holistically aggregates and manages all your office’s data, reporting, and workflow processes. With one source of truth, Eton Solutions leads fami...Learn More
    Event Risk partner page logo More information to come...
    Fi Tek Fi-Tek Wealth Solutions (formerly Rockit Solutions) is a technology-enabled family office service provider, specializing in complex, multi-generational single/multi-family offices, RIA’s and Trust Companies. Born out of the Rockefeller family office over twenty years ago as Rockit Solutions, our company was built to serve the unique needs of the most complex family offices... Learn More
    leafplanner collects, organizes and connects the disparate parts of life in a unique leafplan to serve as a roadmap for a family. By identifying, aggregating, and communicating the intricacies of a family enterprise with family members and advisors, leafplanner enables families to apply a holistic perspective to their communication, decision-making, and education. In addition to identifying blind spots and educating family members and...Learn More
    Ledgex is the first FinTech platform specifically designed to fix the data quality challenges all Family Offices face. We enable family offices to more confidently and successfully manage complex portfolios, with game-changing improvements in your data accuracy, transparency, and timeliness.Learn More
    Masttro is the world’s leading wealth tech solution for visualizing total net worth. Specializing in alternative assets, built from the ground up for multi-currency and secured with world-class cybersecurity architecture, Masttro is the all-in-one solution to building a 100% view of wealth.Learn More
    Pinnacle Fund Services 2 Pinnacle Fund Services provides customized portfolio and investor performance across multiple investment structures including full outsourcing of back-office functionality. Learn More
    SAGE - resized logo Sage Intacct is used by thousands of organizations from startups to public companies to improve company performance and make finance more productive. As a best-in-class system, our cloud accounting software products and financial management solutions deliver deep accounting capabilities across multiple industries designed with a single aim—to accelerate your success.Learn More
    SEI Family Office Services delivers technology and outsourced services that support the accounting, investment management and reporting functions of family offices, private banks, private wealth advisors and alternative asset managers. Designed to help family offices and advisors to wealthy families better serve their ultra-high-networth clients, SEI’s award-winning Archway Platform℠ and high-touch outsourced services efficiently hand...Learn More
    sumit logo SumIt is a software company based in New York City focused on redefining technology for family offices, starting with an accounting system that consolidates financials across entities with a couple clicks. Our mission is to empower family office staff to do more with less through a straightforward interface and robust functionalities. Learn More
    TIFIN Give Logo TIFIN Give empowers wealth enterprises to become an integral part of the charitable planning process through a streamlined, comprehensive digital experience. The platform supports various charitable structures, including donor advised funds and private foundations, to unlock opportunities and value for wealth enterprises and their clients. Learn More
    zephyr 300x300 Zephyr is a division of Informa PLC. Informa acquired several financial technologies over a period of years and invested money and resources to develop a comprehensive software solution for wealth advisors. It has earned several accolades from industry peers including being named the 2024 Best Analytics Platform by the FinTech Breakthrough Awards. Zephyr has a dedicated client success team based in Nashville that works with clients. They are available via phone and email. The company continues to update and enhance its Zephyr platform to meet the needs of today's clients and prepare for the future of the investment management industry. PSN, a leading database of separately managed account data and intelligence is also part of the Zephyr company. Nine of the top 10 plan sponsors use PSN to research and identify fund strategies that meet their unique clients’ needs...Learn More


    Ren Inc Ren is a driving force that powers people, ideas, and institutions for good. As the leading independent philanthropic solutions provider in North America, Ren delivers the expertise, standards, and technology necessary to power growth and scale throughout the philanthropic economy. Elite financial services firms, nonprofit organizations, and community foundations rely on Ren to support more than $125 Billion of assets through their planned giving programs, including charitable trusts, donor-advised funds, pooled income funds, endowments, and private foundations.
    We provide the technology and service so donors can focus on giving and organizations can focus on growth.

    Media Partner

    Crain Currency Crain Currency is the premier digital news hub tailored for individuals overseeing family wealth and legacy. Launched by Crain Communications Inc. in 2022, it provides industry news and peer-to-peer insights to help family offices address their unique challenges. We focus on connecting like-minded individuals and creating networking opportunities.


    Are you interested in sponsoring the 2024 FOX Family Office and Wealth Advisor Forum? If so, send an email to info@familyoffice.com. 

    General Questions: 

    What is your refund policy?
    To ensure the most flexibility for our members and guests, refunds of forum credits or registration fees will be granted up until we distribute access to the program app and portal on Friday, July 12, so long as we are notified in writing at events@familyoffice.com. 

    Attending the Forum in-person: 
    Note: We will not require proof of vaccination or a negative test to participate in-person.

    What is the dress code? 
    Business casual attire is recommended.

    How do I book a guest room at the Hotel?
    To book a guest room at the Swissotel Chicago, visit the booking link HERE. Additional information can be found on the accommodations tab.


    Attending the Forum Virtually and/or using the Forum App and Portal:

    Where is the Forum and how do I access it?
    Our virtual program can be accessed via our event portal. Information on accessing the portal will be emailed to you directly prior to the event. For access assistance please email events@familyoffice.com. You must be registered to access the event.

    How do I log in?
    To log in, you will need the email address you used to register. Once you enter your first name, last name, and email address on the login screen, you will be sent a verification code to your email address. Once you enter your verification code, you will have access. Please note: once you have entered your email address, it can take up to 10 minutes to receive your verification code. If you need assistance, please reach out to us at events@familyoffice.com.

    Which technologies are you using?
    • CVENT/ Attendee Hub will provide our Forum portal.
    • Zoom facilitates video streaming.
    • Mentimeter will be used for in-session polling.

    What device should I use?
    Some employers prevent access to external conference platforms from corporate VPN accounts. You may find it easiest to use a personal device to access this event.

    How do I access the sessions?
    To access sessions, click on “All Sessions”, at the top on the day you wish to participate in, and then the session you plan to attend. Once inside the session – click the “Join Session” button.
    If you would like to attend a session other than the one you originally selected, visit the "All Sessions" tab.

    What do I do now that I’ve logged in?
    We recommend:
    • Completing your profile.
    • Reviewing the “attendee” section and requesting to connect with other attendees.
    • Taking some time to become familiar with the portal, and the “All Sessions” page, where you will access the sessions and demonstrations.

    When should I log in to attend the session?
    We recommend you log into the portal at least ten minutes prior to the session to ensure you have enough time to receive a verification code (if needed) and navigate to your session.

    Do I have to log in every time I visit the event?
    If you do not close your browser windows or log out of the Forum, you will not need to log in again. Otherwise, you will need to log in again.

    What is the time zone?
    All published times are in U.S. Central time.

    Can other people see me, and if so – what is the dress code?
    FOX encourages attendees to turn their cameras on during sessions. There will be some instances when attendees will be visible to one another. Business casual attire is recommended.

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    Monday, July 15

    1:30 pm

    Welcome to the Family Office & Wealth Advisor Forum

    Scott Muench, Managing Director, Membership, FOX
    Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX

    2:00 pm

    Unlocking the Value of Time Capital

    FOX has recently taken a closer look at the various types of capital available to families and the offices that serve them. One category of capital not yet discussed at our forums is TIME CAPITAL. Most of us would agree, given the limited nature of time, it is essential to allocate, invest, spend, and cherish the time we have. 

    Time, as we experience it, is not linear, yet why do we pretend that it is? Time speeds up, slows down, and it stops. The ancient Greeks recognized the difference in experiential time, called kairos, and chronological time, or chronos. When you invest your time based on the memories created by your experiences, the value of an increment of time is not related to its duration.  John will explain the mechanics of how the brain “constructs” time out of memories, and use his Design Thinking expertise to reveal how to create experiences – for yourself, family and loved ones - to maximize memory creation and recall.  Designing your life this way allows you to slow down time so that summers “last forever” and life can seem nearly infinite. That is what time mastery is… This is also relevant in business: for clients and customers – when you design interactions to become the first recall, you also become the first call.

    John K. Coyle, Design Thinking Expert, Olympic Medalist, and Emmy Award Winner  

    1.50 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    3:30 pm


    4:00 pm

    The Human Factor of AI: Preparing Your Organization for Positive Disruption

    How can emerging AI programs and workplace tools create opportunities for progress and growth without creating a culture of fear and avoidance within your organization? We’ll begin the session with a moderated interview featuring industry expert Alex Wissner-Gross, laying the groundwork for understanding AI’s influence on family enterprises. This sets the stage for an interactive leadership development session facilitated by FOX’s Kent Lawson and Jeff Strese. Drawing from their collective experience, they will impart essential principles of change leadership and human capital strategies aimed at equipping family offices and wealth advisory organizations to navigate positive disruption.

    Dr. Alexander D. Wissner-Gross, Founder and CEO, Reified

    Kent Lawson, Chief Technology Officer, FOX
    Jeff Strese, Family Learning & Leadership Consultant, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    5:00 pm

    Day 1 Closing Remarks


    Tuesday, July 16

    9:00 am

    Trends that are Transforming Management of Family Wealth

    A convergence of mega trends are transforming the way we think about and manage family wealth. FOX will share it’s perspective and latest research on what is rapidly becoming a new age of family wealth management.

    David Toth, President, Membership, FOX

    9:30 am

    Wealth Transfer Planning: Top of Mind Considerations

    Over the next 18 months, many of us will have extensive planning around two approaching deadlines: the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) reporting slated for December 31, 2024 and the sunsetting of bonus transfer tax exemptions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on December 31, 2025. Hear what family offices and UHNW families are thinking about as they prepare for these deadlines to protect client privacy, utilize available exemptions, and maximize future optionality.

    Kim Kamin, Partner, Chief Wealth Strategist, Gresham Partners LLC
    Barbara Grayson, Partner and Midwest Chair, Private Wealth Group, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

    1.00 CPE | Taxes

    10:30 am Break
    10:45 am

    Building an Integrated Insource/Outsource Family Office

    Cyber, crypto, wealth transfer, rising gen education, wealth/fin tech. As the demands and expectations for UHNW families rise, family office designers and operators can be stretched thin because of the limited capacity and expertise of their staff. The team from Trove will recount their journey creating and overseeing more than 100 unique family offices, from small bill pay programs to dedicated virtual office constructs. Learn from recent engagements and implementations how to design around client risk and opportunity tolerance, and how to balance that risk with cost, control, and available time.

    Amjed M. Saffarini, CEO, Trove

    11:45 am

    Lunch Break

    2:30 pm

    Breakout Sessions (please note the most popular breakout will be available to virtual attendees)

    • Family Advisor Development
      We’ll begin with a brief overview of current research, emerging trends, and our programs designed to support the family advisor’s skill development and career path. We’ll then shift to a facilitated,  interactive session focused on the core competencies and qualitative skills needed for client-facing roles in the single and multi-family office environment.

      Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
      Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX

      1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
    • Human Capital: Insights & Your Questions Answered
      We hope you’ll join this engaging session on a variety of topics related to the human capital of a family office.  The first half of the session will be on trends in the workforce and labor market, from the challenges of a multi-generational team to compensation and family office career paths.  Our second half will be dedicated to fielding audience questions so come prepared to share what’s top of mind for you and we’ll learn our way forward together.

      Cassie Atteberry, Principal / Founder, Talent Outside the Lines

      Moderated by Peter Leo, Director, Human Capital, FOX 

      1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge
    3:30 pm Break
    4:00 pm

    Cultivating Future Family Leaders
    Hear one family’s approach to encouraging the rising generation to find their voice in the family enterprise through a collaboration with the family office and outside partners. Learn from a Family Office COO how to design and steward a rising generation program with family input and the support of external consultants. Together, the group will discuss their work with the family over the last 3 years, the elements that worked well, and the foundation for building a successful rising gen program.

    Kim Llumiquinga, Senior Wealth Strategist, TFO Family Office Partners
    Farrah H. Whitworth, Chief Operating Officer, Globe Trust Company, LLC

    Moderated by Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    5:00 pm Day 2 Closing Remarks

    Wednesday, July 17

    9:00 am

    Welcome to Day 3

    Scott Muench, Managing Director, Membership, FOX

    9:05 am

    Mid-Year Market & Economic Pulse: After a rip-roaring start, what does the back half hold?

    A year ago, consensus calls were for looming recession and continued Fed cuts. Instead, economic progress has held steady, labor markets are in better balance, AI’s influence is seemingly everywhere, and inflation is edging bumpily toward the Fed’s target of 2%. As we enter the back half of the year how will markets, interest rates, and the economy perform?  Are consumers tapped out? What potential repercussions might arise from divergent Global Central Bank polices? Does the 2024 political cycle hold significance for markets, rates, industrial policy? And importantly, how should family offices invest and allocate capital amidst the current and anticipated global market dynamics?

    Join us for our latest mid-year market updates and investment insights.

    Carol Schleif, CFA, FSA, Chief Investment Officer, BMO Family Office

    Moderated by Scott Muench, Managing Director, Membership, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    9:50 am

    The 5 Principles of Invisible Wealth: a framework for redefining wealth

    The 5 Principles of Invisible Wealth provide a comprehensive framework for redefining wealth. Wealth is more than money. How can we translate this abstract concept into tangible actions? This framework, represented by the five principles of money, health, knowledge, time, and relationships, helps us embrace a holistic interpretation of wealth, inviting richness into the lives of our clients and families.

    Jennifer Wines, Author of Invisible Wealth

    Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX

    1.0 CPE | Specialized Knowledge

    10:50 am Break
    11:10 am

    Forum Closing & Forward-Looking Themes

    Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX

    12:00 pm Forum Adjourns

    Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge - Up to 8.5 CPE credits can be earned by attending this event. CPE credits are accepted at the option of state certifying boards. Requirements, compliance procedures and acceptance may vary by state.

    Program Level: Overview | No prerequisites are required for this session. | Delivery Method: Group Live and Group Internet Based

    Family Office Exchange is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.NASBARegistry.org.


    Sunday, July 14

    7:00 pm

    Emerging Leaders Dinner (for participants in the FOX Emerging Leaders Program)


    Monday, July 15

    8:30 am

    Emerging Leaders Program Breakfast 

    9:00 am

    Emerging Leaders Program: Ice breaker/Introductions

    Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX
    Jeff Strese, Family Learning & Leadership Consultant 

    9:20 am

    Emerging Leaders Program: Career Development

    Jacob Mattox, Relationship Manager, FOX
    Jeff Strese, Family Learning & Leadership Consultant 

    10:10 am

    Emerging Leaders Program: FOX Resources for Career Development 

    Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX 
    Allison Lawshe, Learning Center Program Manager, FOX

    11:00 am Break
    11:15 am

    Emerging leaders Program: Career Mapping

    Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX 
    Allison Lawshe, Learning Center Program Manager, FOX
    Jacob Mattox, Relationship Manager, FOX