2023 FOX Family Office and Wealth Advisor Forum


Monday, Jul 10, 2023 - 04:00am
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2023 - 12:00pm

FOX’s Family Office and Wealth Advisor Forum will bring together family office executives and advisors in the UHNW industry to discuss the most critical challenges and opportunities impacting professionals in family offices and wealth advisory firms, and the clients they serve. From operational themes such as insurance, governance, or tax and estate planning, to navigating talent and transition challenges, attendees will walk away with tangible ideas for enhancing your work.

“Highly timely topics and excellent speakers discussing how to be better professionals in supporting our families, clients, and teams.” – 2022 Forum Attendee

What to Expect

Attendees will…

  • Hear from our keynote speaker on employee retention, culture, and keeping your best talent
  • Understand the importance of qualitative skills for the family advisor 
  • Learn from a panel of experts about income tax, trust and estate planning, regulations, and opportunities in 2023
  • Discover the importance of the employee experience in today's world and economy
  • Explore the family office governance journey with a panel of experts
  • Hear from a legacy strategist on how to strengthen the 'people-side' of your family office planning

Who Should Attend

Registration for this event is for family office and advisor members of FOX.

Please note that forum credits or a registration fee will be required to attend in-person or virtually. Additional discounts will be available for multiple members of your family or firm to attend in-person. Please contact your relationship manager or events@familyoffice.com for more information.

Please note qualified non-member prospects may attend this event virtually. Please contact FOX for more information. 


 Individual AttendeesCredit or $3,500Credit or $495$895
 Multiple Attendees from
 the same family or firm
Credit or $3,150Credit or $495$895
Chicago, IL and Virtual
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