2018 FOX Rising Gen


Friday, Apr 20, 2018 - 01:30pm
Saturday, Apr 21, 2018 - 11:30am

Popular wisdom says that money solves everything. But the truth is that living with family wealth is complicated. As the family tree starts to branch out, it gets more complicated. The good news is that while you and your family are unique, you are not alone.

Family Office Exchange (FOX) is creating a new community for members of the Rising Generation to help connect you with people, like yourself, who are next generation members of financial families in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and are facing similar challenges and similar opportunities.

The FOX Rising Gen™ is not a social club, but an opportunity to expand your knowledge about the things you want to learn about family wealth as it applies to your life. It is an opportunity for learning and discovery. We expect that you will form lasting relationships with people who are uniquely able to understand your point of view and that you will have fun with in the process.

In addition to connecting you with close peers, FOX brings to the table 25 years of experience, a rich content library, and relationships with a broad network of experts.

For our inaugural meeting on Friday evening of April 20 and Saturday, April 21, we have prepared an agenda based on input from our advisory board of Rising Generation family members.

If all this sounds good to you, we hope to see you in Chicago for the inaugural meeting of the FOX Rising Generation. We look forward to meeting you and seeing the FOX Rising Gen take shape. You will leave with a network of people like yourself and a number of insights into issues you have probably been thinking about.

Spouses, partners, and significant others are encouraged to register as an integral part of the program.

You will be offered the option to sign-up for Rising Gen and the Global Owners Forum during registration.

Chicago, IL