Executive Council '04 & '14 Joint Meeting - February 28 - March 2, 2023 - Naples, FL Meeting


Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023 - 06:00pm
Thursday, Mar 02, 2023 - 12:00pm

The FOX Executive Council '04 is comprised of CEOs of the largest, most sophisticated multi-generational family offices in the U.S. pursuing the best practices for complex family enterprises.  The purpose of this council is to elevate the professional and personal performance of these executives and therefore enhance the operation of the broader family enterprise and long term well-being of the family.

Each Council works from a FOX developed curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the Council. Meetings include content from the curriculum as well as specific topics and discussions requested by the Council members. FOX provides the appropriate internal and external resources for lively, fruitful meetings.

For information about joining this Council, contact us by email or call 312-327-1247.

Naples, FL



    Tuesday, February 28, 2023

    5:30 p.m.


    Arrival Dinner


    Wednesday, March 1, 2023

    8:15 a.m.




    9:00 a.m.


    Welcome and Introductions

    Gaby Griffin, Managing Director, Council Membership and Stephanie Simmons, Director Relationship Manager, FOX

    • Guest and introductions of each council member
    • Agenda Review

    10:00 a.m.


    FOX Update

    Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX

    As FOX continues in its evolution, Peter will provide the group an update on the direction of FOX, including recent improvements and developments, current initiatives, and future plans to support the family office and family enterprise of tomorrow.


    10:45 a.m.




    11:00 a.m.


    Family Office Industry:  Support and Regulation Update

    Brian Reardon, Private Investors Coalition (PIC)

    PIC is the recognized authority on Legislative and Regulatory issues affecting single family offices (“SFOs”) and serves as the primary resource for disseminating information on legislative, regulatory and compliance issues impacting SFOs. We’ll hear about what family-office issues PIC is currently most focused on, and how it is working to support and promote offices and their interests of greatest concern and importance.  

    12:00 p.m.




    1:00 p.m.


    Insurance Captives Case Study

    Council Member

    Council Member will review the insurance captive that his office recently created. He will discuss why they pursued it, what it has taken to set up, license and operate it, what risks they’re currently covering, and what’s coming next.  


    2:00 p.m.




    2:15 p.m.


    Cyber Security and Data Protection

    Colin Taggart, Principal, CISSP, CISA, CPA, Plante Moran

    We all face increasing and incessant threats from attacks by hackers, spammers, cybercriminals, as well as from the mishandling of data by partner vendors. Family offices are on the front line of defense and need to be vigilant in protecting their data, assets, and clients. Colin will discuss technologies, processes, and methods you might consider to better protect the enterprise.


    3:15 p.m.




    3:30 p.m.


    Family Transitions

    Mindy Earley, Chief Learning Officer, FOX

    Every successful family must prepare for its own leadership transitions from generation to generation. That means preparing the entire family, including the rising, older, and middle generations.  Mindy will discuss questions, considerations, best practices, and how the family office can support constructive evolutions.


    4:30 p.m.


    Day 1 Wrap-Up


    4:45 p.m.


    Day 1 Meeting Adjourned


    5:30 p.m.


    Council Cocktails and Dinner


    Thursday, March 2, 2023

    8:15 a.m.




    9:00 a.m.


    Welcome Back


    9:15 a.m.


    Executive Peer Dialogue

    Gaby and Stephanie facilitating

    Members will share and discuss their 2023 key initiatives, goals and peer questions, as submitted prior to the meeting.  In addition, the group will discuss any questions or ideas arising from the prior days.


    10:15 a.m.


    Morning Break


    10:30 a.m.


    Executive Peer Dialogue (continued)

    Gaby and Stephanie facilitating


    11:45 a.m.


    Wrap-Up & Preparations for Future Meetings

    • Additional questions for the group to address
    • Planning for the next meeting(s)

    12:00 p.m.


    Council Meeting Adjourned


    12:00 p.m.


    Optional Lunch