Announcement: New Approach for FOX Benchmarking

May 13, 2013

We are pleased to announce an improvement in the FOX Benchmarking Study for 2013.

Since much of the data does not change from year to year, we are going to limit the study to those sections that do change annually and split it into smaller, single-topic modules that will be spaced throughout the year. Our intention is to make it easier for you to participate and coordinate data collection in your office.
We have already concluded the first module, the 2013 Investment Survey. Soon we will be distributing instructions for a technology survey which will allow us to provide an updated view of technology infrastructure, spending, and software preferences in family offices.
In July, we will send out our compensation and benefits questionnaire. The summer timing will assure that we get results back to members and participants in time for Fall budgeting.
If there are other topics that you think we should cover this year, please let us know at