Cathy Carroll, MBA, MCC
Cathy learned about family business leadership the best way you can – by leading her family business. After a twenty-year corporate career, she left United Airlines to lead her father’s business and instantly recognized a difference between leadership in a family business vs leadership in a large corporation.
Founder and President of Legacy Onward, Inc., Cathy Carroll is an internationally recognized family business leadership coach, speaker and author of Hug of War: How to Lead a Family Business With both Love and Logic. She also trains advisors serving in family enterprises as well as coaches who maintain their credential with the International Coaching Federation.
Cathy earned certificates in both Leadership Coaching and Executive Facilitation at Georgetown University, an MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and a BA at Boston College. She is also a Master Certified Coach (MCC) in the ICF.
An active member of the community, Cathy currently serves as Vice-Chair the Board of the Purposeful Planning Institute and co-founder & Treasurer of A Leg To Stand On which provides prosthetic limbs to children in developing countries.