Andris Zimelis

<p paraeid="{504c09a6-5e24-4119-923d-bd34ffce8eb9}{167}" paraid="208847678"><br>Andris Zimelis&nbsp;is the&nbsp;director of&nbsp;research and&nbsp;insights at Family Office Exchange (FOX). In his role, Andris&nbsp;is responsible for capturing, creating,&nbsp;and sharing relevant industry knowledge&nbsp;and&nbsp;transforming the information into creative ideas and practical solutions&nbsp;for members. Andris leads the development of proprietary content and new insights. He&nbsp;works with his colleagues to ensure that the collective learning is maximized to enhance member relationships, attract new members, and support the&nbsp;advisory services&nbsp;practice.</p><p paraeid="{504c09a6-5e24-4119-923d-bd34ffce8eb9}{215}" paraid="825566507">Prior to joining FOX, Andris developed, implemented,&nbsp;and led the measurement, evaluation, and learning functions for Goldman Sachs 10,000&nbsp;Small Businesses&nbsp;initiative designed to help&nbsp;entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Andris implemented an evidence based decision-making framework that ensured the best-in-class outcomes helping to position the program as the preeminent small business education program in the world. Earlier Andris worked for Rotary Foundation developing and managing a range of global program evaluations and impact assessments and ultimately improving the foundation’s long-term performance and impact.  &nbsp;</p><p paraeid="{504c09a6-5e24-4119-923d-bd34ffce8eb9}{241}" paraid="1150326683">Andris has an academic background in statistics, research methodology, and public policy and he has attended Berea College, Miami University in Ohio, and University of Illinois.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Speaker Title
Director of Research and Insights